
Do mixing colors have anythin 2 do wit a science project?

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Do mixing colors have anythin 2 do wit a science project?




  1. Colors of light has to do with the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that you can see.

    Random facts and stuff:

    ROYGIV are the colors in the visible light section of the EM spectrum

    Visible light- part of the spectrum that you can see; can create false color images.

    ·Violet has shortest wavelength and most energy, red has longest wavelength and least energy

    o Addition and subtraction of color-

    o Absorption- taking in waves without letting them back out Ex) black; the transfer of energy carried by light waves to particles of matter.

    ○ Spectroscopy- the dispersion of an object's light into its component colors; Spectroscopy is the study of light as a function of wavelength(or frequency) that has been emitted, reflected or scattered from a solid, liquid, or gas

    o Filter- will only allow certain frequencies to pass through

    o All the colors of light mixed together make white light

    o The primary colors of light are red, green, blue; mixed in equal amounts make white light. They are the colors found in the dots of a color TV.

    o Secondary color- two primary colors combined in equal amounts; Of light: magenta, yellow, cyan

    o Complementary colors- any 2 colors that form white light or black pigment

    o Pigments- colored substances that are used to color other materials; they absorb some colors and reflect others

    o As pigments are added together, fewer colors of light are reflected and more are absorbed; the more pigments the darker the mixture

    o The primary colors of pigments are cyan, yellow, and magenta; mixed in equal amounts make black

    o The secondary colors of pigments are red, green, and blue; are formed when two primary colors of pigments are combined

  2. Yes - Physics - reflectron and maybe a bit of refration as well

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