
Do mobiles work at flight? If s how? If No y?

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Do mobiles work at flight? If s how? If No y?




  1. The people on the highjacked aircraft flt 93 were using their cellphones IN FLIGHT to call loved ones to say goodbye on 9/11. They can and do work, but the airlines prefer you not to because of speculation that it may interfere with the navigation systems. Some cellphones can be set so they will not make recieve calls but you can still access the games and stuff. Just switch off the network.

  2. No they don't.  Cellular towers are aimed mostly parallel to the ground, most usually have some downtilt so their pointing below the horizon.  An easy way to think of it is-the pattern of the signal looks something like alligator jaws, angled slightly down.  

    Aircraft fly way over the tops of the signal emitted by a cellular transmitter.  If you ever left your phone on(a no no), you'd notice your phone loses signal a few seconds after take off.  Once you've gotten over 150-200 feet, you're above most cell site antenna heights.

    The actual phone still works, it is just out of range of the cell sites.

    The airphones in some aircraft work becuase the ground sites that serve those calls are designed to broadcast their sigals at air traffic. Those carriers are not considered typical cellphone service providers.

  3. My P901i has a flight mode and it can receive sms but i did not try sending out. Because am afraid it might interfere cause they all being carried by the same radio waves though it maybe filtered so as not to interfere because it was designed by the manufacturer being an aircraft mechanic myself i did not use it out of ethics perhaps.

  4. Mobile do not work in flight because signal can not reach to that height but when aeroplane  is taking off or landing mobile  can work but its not allowed because mobile may interfere with aeroplane system.

  5. They should not or else it will interfere with the pilot-to-radio tower communications. However some providers do facilitate this feature.

  6. yes,u can send SMS,play games.don't call

  7. Mobiles work inside the flight.  But you should not use it become the flight communication also use similar frequency. The frequency used by the cellular operator are hight frequency which will distract the  pilot communication or it will create a disturbances to the communication signals.   Hence we are request to switch off the mobile phone and other electrical items during the take off and landing time.

    But some operators have introduced a special spectrum which will not affect the pilot communication.  Soon it will be introduced in India.

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