
Do mollies breed with swordtails, platys or guppies? Only researched 100% sure answers please!!!?

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I am breeding mollies and have platys and swortails in the same tank with them.....I have looked up everything I can find and the answer eludes me as to whether any of the other three breeds can successfully breed and produce with mollies.....Anyone have 100% sure researched aswers? Please share!!!




  1. No mollies do not crossbreed with any other livebearers the only two that can crossbreed are swordtails and platys. However, some people believe otherwise because if you watch their behavior while mating they will sometimes chase other live bearers around just as much as other mollies trying to mate with them. This is mainly out of confusion...but they can only have offspring with other mollies.  Every species besides platys and swordtails are too far aways from each other (species wise) to crossbreed.

  2. big, loud, thundering NO!!!

    however, there are more members in the family than what is commonly available in the hobby/ there are lots of several molly-type livebearers and for the guppies there is at least one, the endler livebearer that looks exactly like a wild type guppy.but guppies and mollies will not interbreed with each other or with platies and swordtails

  3. I have researched this question for you & found the answer is yes as long as the other fish wants to do it .

  4. Nope...

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