
Do mom's out there actually measure EVERYTHING their older infant/toddler eat??

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I see questions from mom's asking other mom's what and how much they feed their older infant or toddler. Down to the ounce. Now, I find that hard to believe that so many mom's out there actually have the time to measure everything.. Further more, WHY?? I mean, unless you know by heart becasue you have to add a certain amount of something to a certain amount of something else ( like water to oatmeal , ect ) Then why be soo worried about measuring everything.. ?? I'm not trying to be rude, but I didn't bother doing that with either of my kids.. Are these mom's making it up , or do they really do that?? Besides them just wanting to what other reasons do they have for doing this??? I'm seriously curious about this. It's been bugging me.




  1. LOL! i love this question! well the only thing ive ever measured was her formula. now she is 2, and since the frmula ive never measured anything! lol. i go to the wic appointments and the lady says 'ok in one day she can have so-many-ounces of milk, and so-many-ounces of juice,' and i never measure that either. i cant beleive they expect that! lol.

    i always wondered if there were alot of moms out there who did measure.! lol

  2. I never measured anything.  For the person that said that it's more for the stay at home mom....oh please!  I've always been a stay at home mom, but i'm not anal enough to have to measure everything.

  3. I don't know... I just make sure that my son gets enough of each food group, and let him eat his fill :)

  4. Ummm, h**l NO! My son is now 14 years old and I'll be damned to measure EVERYTHING! I think that's more for the stay at home mom, or the mom that doesn't have 101 different things going on like work, family and of course a personal life. Don't let it get to you, it's not like thats something thats the norm to do. Alot of foods now are already measured for you and alot of foods are 100% healthy for your baby.

  5. The only time I ever measured was if something needed mixing up first - for instance when making custard.

    Some people are less relaxed than others, though. I always took the attitude that if my kids were eating healthy food and had plenty of energy, they must be getting enough. Some mums aren't confident enough to do that and need to know how much their child is eating so they can check with a book, website or doctor. And of course some kids have medical problems and it's important to keep a closer eye on how much they eat.

  6. No, I give what they will eat, as long as they are not getting over weight why worry!!

  7. It may sound wrong, but I never cared enough.  Why would I do that?  I fed my daughter at normal intervals and whenever she was hungry.  I never measured or weighed or wrote down anything, come on now.  Moms that do that are too worried about impressing or what other people think of them.  The only time I will ever do that is if it is medically nessicary.  I'm too laid back for all that junk.

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