
Do money spells work?? I am just getting interested in spells, and would NEVER do spells to harm or force?

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someone. I am becoming interested in spells that could help and enhance my life. So as a beginner I would also like to know what happens to you if you do a money spell. I mean it's not bad so will it backfire? If it makes your life worse I won't do it, but I want to know if it's bad or not. And the previous question if it works or not. Thank you.




  1. There is no free ride. It will cost you something.  Sounds like you won't miss your soul,  you weren't using it anyway, right!

  2. Nope.  No spells work.  Never.  If they did, it wouldn't be magic - it would be science.  They have no effects or side effects.  It doesn't matter what your intention is.  They don't work.

  3. the best thing to do is not dabble in things you do not know about. I can not say weather they work or not , however, if you are having doubts its probably for a reason.

  4. Guy, tell us this- the bible says that sorcerers are to be stoned.  Does this sound like something God would approve of?  Think on this carefully

  5. Sure they do.  The people that sell money spell make the money.

  6. have u ever seen any REALLY rich witches??

  7. I think it depends on what your heart is really asking for deep down inside. If it is something that will do no harm to yourself, others, and especially nature that it truly desires and believes in, then more than likely it will work. But you have to think about any and all consequences that may arise, no matter how impossible you may think it is, from anything that you do.  When you do this spell, make sure you know exactly what the root of what you truly want is and be able to visualize it. More than likely it will work if you believe it will. :) Not sure if that helped any, but good luck.

  8. If spells actually worked, do you think there would be any question? If there was some quick and easy method by which people could work their wills and get what they wanted, do you think virtually no one would know about it?

    No, if spells worked, EVERYBODY would know about it and everybody would be doing them. And speaking scientifically, since this is the Science & Mathematics category, there is absolutely no credible scientific evidence whatsoever that spells do anything but impact the power of suggestion of those who believe in them.

    If you want money, I'll suggest that you make it the old fashioned way -- you earn it. (Apologies to Smith Barney)

  9. Not really, no. Spells like money, luck, beauty, etc., fall into the personal gain catergory, and you'll often be trading one set of finacial troubles for another. For instance, if you did the spell and it works, you could take care of some if not all of your problems. Then you'd be audited by the IRS, your roof might spring a leak or you car could break down.

    Like one of the others said, be careful what you ask for. If you're having doubts, then it probably won't work. I wouldn't do it anyway, especially if you got the spell from the internet. Usually ones from the internet don't work, or backfire in the worst possible way. Trust me.

    Good luck, sweetie, and I hope this helps even a little bit.

  10. If you have the spells,you should try them,i don't think there is nothing wrong with it...




  12. I did a money spell once and learned a very interesting lesson. careful what you ask for. I got money but there was much chaos involved. Someone told me that you have to counter balance the up on it before you do it. Again, careful what you ask for! It's all about intention. Good luck:)

  13. It has been said that belief in spells is a phase most of us go through. I've been around for 43 years, and have never seen one work, though I've seen many attempted, mostly by teenagers. Just like it is hard to hide an elephant in a small room, it would be hard to hide something as powerful as spells that work in the real world. That would just be too big to hide.

    You curiosity is admirable. If you want real power, be a female who is good at math and science. Those kind of spells leads to a very nice job and life, and has been proven. Apply yourself to studying math like you would study a spell, chemistry like it is a potion and you do well.

    After all, the ancient shamans and medicine men and magic users were just people who understood the world a little better than the simple folk around them. Same as today, but we call them doctors and scientist and engineers.

  14. oh, yes. One day I decided I wanted some money and started chanting Latin sounding nonsense and money in the form of Canadian currency started raining from the sky. I later went on to build a time machine, two nuclear fusion reactors, and lived on Havarti cheese for the rest of my life. Oh, did I mention. I'm speaking to you from the grave.

  15. if they worked we would all be chanting to the money god's while dancing under a full moon in our scivies burning sage and offering up our first borns.  it's great to have a hobby but i believe it will cost you more money than you receive.

  16. You are really doing yourself a disservice by relying on magical thinking and things like spells.  There has never been any indication that spells work or a reason why they could work.  If you sort of self-delude yourself into thinking they work then perhaps you might have some positive results, but that would only be the case of a spell affecting something within your realm of control anyway.

    If you are trying to reach out and touch another person or even just the universe with your spell then I'm not sure if I would even bother.  The world around you doesn't care if you make any money.  The world around you is not impacted by the uttering of cryptic-sounding words or the burning of any sort of leaves or herbs.

    But, as I previously stated, if you can talk yourself into the idea that spells are effective then perhaps you will see any outcome as positive.

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