
Do monkeys make good pets?

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why dont more people have monkeys as pets?? what's the disadvantage of them? i know they can spread disease...but what if they get shots to prevent disease spreading??




  1. I think Jacko kinda made it uncool to have a monkey as a pet.

  2. i hope they make good pets

    i want one :]

  3. I'm sure they would :)

  4. I ALWAYS WANTED A MONKEY there are so awesome. but they are also very dirty animals. !! mabie thats why ? who knows? lol

  5. I had one when I was a child. They are a hand full. They have too much energy, very jealous, Destroy things. And yes they have diseases that can be transferred to humans

  6. MONKEYS ARE NOT MEANT TO BE PETS. Dont play allong with the facade.

  7. No.... Dear lord, no!

    They're horrible pets, as are most non-domesticated animals.

    They are mainly used as helpers for those with major disabilities, because they ARE fairly smart.

    But they're smelly, usually moody, and are very high-maintainence.

    Stay away.

  8. Does the phrase "I fling poo," mean anything to you?  Monkeys love to throw their poo, and with great accuracy.  The larger the monkey the more dangerous this becomes.  

    Monkeys bite.  Monkeys carry diseases they CANNOT be vaccinated for, but can spread to humans!  

    Most of the monkeys (especially the males, but many of the females) urinate onto their hands, and rub the urine through their tails.  This is so they leave a nice scent trail as they travel about.  So when a pet monkey sits on it's owners shoulder, and wraps it's tail about the persons neck, guess where the scent trail is?

    Monkeys are highly currious, and highly destructive animals.  They are programed to want to break open things, to see if there is anything edible inside.  So that means your dishes, lightbulbs, couch cushions, knick-knacks, medications, TV set, computer....well basically everything you own is in danger of being broken open to see if there is an edible yummy inside.

    Many monkeys will NOT housebreak.  Some monkeys can live to be 40 years old.  Does 40 years of diaper changing mean anything to you?

    The diet to keep a monkey healthy would be VERY expensive.  As illustrated  by a local pet shop which has a rescued (former pet) monkey they have taken on for the life of the monkey.  Nobody is allowed to touch her, because she is mean and bites.  The papers posted around her cage state that it costs $5 a day to feed her.  She needs monkey chow, fresh fruits and vegtables, as well as some insects, hard boiled eggs, and items like peanut butter and nuts.  $5 a day X 7 days in a week = $35 a week to feed her, or $140 a month, or $1820 a year to feed her.   She's a small breed of monkey too.

    Feeding a monkey is expensive.  You also need to keep the room (or house) where a monkey lives quiet a bit warmer than humans need.  With power rates skyrocketing this will be quiet pricey.  You need to have unbreakable windows installed on ANY room the monkey might be taken into....very expensive.

    Having a monkey treated by an exotic animal Vet is going to cost you about the same as having a human child treated by a human doctor....difference is there is no animal insurance that covers the routine care a monkey needs.  Count on several thousand in Vet cost (at least) every year....and that's if your monkey stays healthy...if it gets ill....!!!!

    I could go on with drawbacks, but quiet simply monkeys are very poor pets.  They are actually quiet nasty tempered.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

    Active wildlife study over 40 years

  9. Monkeys are happier in the wild. Sure in the wild they don't live as long as captive ones, but at least their not chained up.

  10. they are cool and smart and witty and fun = until clean up time comes which is a few times a day= they might Even need their own room and cell phone to teach other monkeys how to text= just don't let the monkey drive or go on my space= other than that get on with the monkey business== and keep a lot of bananas on hand=

  11. no.reasons - 1. they can unlock cages

                           2. they can shout loud and don't like baths

                           3. they punch kick and bite

                           4. they have opposable thumbs and can grab

                               and throw things

                           5. u dont want it to do this wen u have guest

                               over ....... enjoy ~

  12. ABSOLUTELY  NOT !!  I used to be an Animal Keeper at a big zoo, and I've been around wild animals all my life, so I know what I'm talking about.

    In the USA, in most states, it's against the law to own any primates first of all.  Second, they do NOT make good pets.  They are loud, messy, can be out of control, need a "great deal" of room in their cage, need very controlled specialized diets,  living conditions and air temperature are important factors, and, the most important of all, when they reach "maturity" they WILL turn on you, and bite, scratch, throw their f***s, or pee on you.

    Get a dog or a cat and you'll have an animal that will be always loyal and return the love you give it.  A monkey will NOT do that.

  13. they throw p**p everywhere =)

  14. It's illegal to keep an exotic as a pet.

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