
Do more girls get pregnant at......?

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overnight schools were they live(not college)

public schools


private schools???




  1. well, overnights schools are usually all-girl-schools. And private schools will kick you out if you get pregnant.

    I think public schools, but you still can't say that cuz there were alot of pregnant girls at the private school I used to go to.

  2. im gessing public schools

  3. public school all the way

  4. Depends on the person. But when my friend started Boarding school she turned all rebel because her parents weren't there to stop her. In private schools everyone is all posh and clever and know not to get pregnant at a young age. Public schools - depends whether its a sleazy school or not! Hope i helped!

  5. Public schools, because they think that since all of their other friends are having babies, they want one too. And they act like it isn't such a big deal.

  6. at private schools the girls all just get abortions

    im betting public schools

  7. I believe that girls mostly get pregnant in Public Schools.

  8. public schools at private schools they just do drugs because of all the stress but not all

  9. I'm thinking public schools.

  10. Not really private school because if you get pregnant most private high schools will kick you out. And people who go to private school are smart enough not to get pregnant. My bet is public school because most of them are s***s!

  11. Public schools.

  12. i don't think it makes a difference

  13. public schools

    or maybe the same private schools are good at hiding things like that

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