
Do morning glory vines re-bloom next year or should I pull them out?

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Do morning glory vines re-bloom next year or should I pull them out?




  1. You should pull it out while its dormant.  Its a weed !!  If it gets into natural bush it can take over.    Sorry, but true.

  2. Most Morning Glories are annuals, and will not grow again.

    There are wild varieties that will though.

    BUT, if you have "heavenly Blue", or one of the "Old Stand Byes", like the violet ones, or the large white ones, they will not come back.

    Their seeds can grow, though, but they are seldom difficult to get rid of.  One may very well say that it is hard to get them to grow.

    Just pull them up, if you do not want them for mulch, to protect other plants or seedlings.

  3. Morning glories are annuals, but can reseed themselves, so a few may survive the winter and rebloom next year.  You can wait to pull them out until after they die back so you can enjoy the blooms for a while longer.

  4. It would help if you knew exactly what they are. There are a number of different plants called morning glories. Some are annuals and may seed themselves next summer, but the same plant won't grow again and should be cleaned up in the fall. Some are very persistent perennials. Those will grow again, and again, and again......If you planted these from seed, they are probably annuals.

  5. You'll have to dig it up and store the root bulbs during winter, replanting them in the spring.

  6. Yes, they do re-bloom, year after year, time after time, so if you

    like them, do not pull them out! They reseed themselves and grow as

    a wonderful wall or fence covering! Good luck!

    Also, some people think of them as a weed, but then there are others who enjoy them! That is why they are sold potted

    in a garden shop.(where they do not sell weeds potted!)

    But they will take over, so be careful if planted with other

    plants. So the choice is yours!

  7. Morning glories are annuals, so the plants taht you have this year will not grow next year.  However, they reseed readily.  I would suggest allowing the vines to stay were they are during the winter.  In early spring, you can remove them and rake the area where they were to allow any seeds that were on top of the soil to get into the ground.  They will start to germinate in late May/early June depending on your climate.

  8. I have had morning glory vines all over the place.  they grow from seeds every year.  I don't bother gathering the seeds they will survive the winter then germinate in the spring and grow a whole new crop the next summer.  It is good to pull down all of the old vines just for appearance sake.  They can get to be an eye sore once they have died in the fall.  When pulling the vines, the seeds fall and stay dormant for the winter then come to life the next summer.  So in answer to your this years vines do not grow back next spring but the seeds that they leave behind have no problem with regenerating and reproducing...they are a hardy plant for sure.  

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