
Do most 5 year olds wet the bed?

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I have a 5 year old son who still wets the bed. I was concerned at first but the doctor said its common. the other day when i picked my son up from school and a bunch of the kindergarten parents... maybe 5 or 6... were talking about what pullup brand they use and all of them said there kids still had bedwetting problems. and then i asked a couple of the people in the neighborhood who had 5 year olds and most of them said yes. So do most of them wet the bed?




  1. i had the same problem with my they are almost 7 and they don't wet the bed anymore for the last 6's normal


  3. I wouldn't say most do . But a lot do and other kids older than 5 too. Just look at how many Goodnites are sold. Now even Pampers has Underjams for bedwetters.

  4. Yes, but it is usually just boys i have 4 sons and 1 daughter.

    My son who is 13 just recently quit. and i have a 10 9 and 7 year old sons who all still wet the bed. but i also have a 6 year old daughter who does not wet the bed except she had an accident like one time but thats no big deal. I think the problem is they are deep sleepers. Because we tried alarms and by the time they r up the bed is basicly soaked so we stopped that because it didnt work and woke up the whole house. But dont be too concerned yet. My 13 year old even still has occasional accidents. Its very normal in boys

  5. I'd say yes. I can remember doing that when I was 5.

  6. it's mostly the boys; at a 4 to 1 ratio, up until puberty (12). It's also partially hereditary. Apparently, the plumbing takes a tad longer to function in auto-mode. They do tend to sleep heavier, which is also part of the problem. They recommend cutting out the drinks a few hours before bedtime, and not making a big deal out of it- because everyone outgrows it.

  7. I have a 5 year old bro and an 8 year old bro they both wet their bed. I wet my bed till I was 7 personally. Its very common in boys around the age of 5 and only in rare cases will it last past the age of 10. So don't sweat it its fine.

  8. Yes, it's quite normal.  My kids' Dr. doesn't consider it a problem till the child is at least 7.  My boys all still wet the bed (they are almost 4, 5 & almost 9 yrs old) but the Dr still isn't even particularly concerned about the oldest one - although he did to some tests on my son and found no problems.  His bladder just hasn't caught up with the rest of his body.

  9. It depends somewhat on the rate that their bladder grows in relation to their body, not how they were potty trained.  Also, if they sleep really deep, and have a small bladder they have increased chances of problems.  

    My best friends's daughter is 6 and still wets most nights.  Her doctor is not concerned until age 8.  My friend is currently using a treasure box for her daughter to help her ween off pull ups.  Each morning she produces a dry pull up she gets to pick from the box.  Because my friend did feel it was becoming a habit for her to do her morning pee in the pull up.

  10. my grandson at 6yrs old was having accidents, so we took liquids from him 3 hours before bed.  then before bed gave him 1 tablespoon of honey and then he brushed his teeth it helpped him stay dry but it helpped him from wetting himself because he though he'd be introuble when he wet the bed.

  11. Yes normaly but some learn how to wake up and use the bathroom at night but it is very common

  12. occassionally but not enough to buy pull ups ..which in my opinion are child abuse dont humiliate a older child by placing diapers on them. thats just ridiculous

  13. my daughter never has wet the bed since she got potty trained... she is 6 now.... it is not out of the norm for children to wet the beds but if it is an every night thing then that is not normal.... cut back on the fluids you give him at night.... stop giving him drinks 2 hours before he is to go to bed. if that still does not work then you might want to get him checked out again... he could have an overactive bladder or even a UTI which is not uncommon in boys... most of the time they do not even have pain associated with it.

  14. I have two boys 8 and 5.  The 8 year old was trained at 3.5 years.  The 5 year old is a different story.  I know a kinder going into first that still wets.  One time my 5 year old told me it's his warm blanket because when he goes it's warm and I guess he likes it. I think he was just trying to find something good about it.  He's also asked  if he could just sleep on the potty so he wouldn't get the bed wet.  I've noticed that if I wake him up to go during the night, like before I go to bed, or if I wake up during the night, then he is more successful. We talk a lot about him waking up dry and I told him I'll give him 40 cents each time he wakes up dry (the appx cost of a pull up).  Last month they had a Mother's Day tea at his pre-K class where the teacher had got them to fill in the blank to questions.  One question was:"My mother gets mad at me when I __________."  There were several kids that said "mess my bed".  So I think it's pretty common.  Mine didn't say that though and I was glad.  I don't make a big deal of it when it happens, but we do talk about it.

  15. Boys have a harder time being potty trained and they tend to wet the bed longer.  It is a common for boys at your son's age to still wet the bed at night.  In fact, it is not considered problematic if they still occasionally do it until around 10 and 11.  After that, your doctor will work with you to try to figure out if something else is going on.

  16. all i know is i am 10 and i sometimes do it lol

  17. No...I have a six yr old who hasnt wet since she was 3...and I have a 4 yr old who dont wet....

    depends on how long ago that child was potty trained

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