
Do most Americans support George Bush?

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Whether they do or don't - I would like to know, but do you think the next President can correct the economical damage that has been done in one term or will they need more time? Do you think the Democrats, Republicans or an Independent would do a better job next time as in the party and not the people representing the party?




  1. people sure did support him when they voted him in TWO TIMES, and they turned their back on him, as if it wasn't their mistake.

    i think the next president will need more time.

    and also the right head on his shoulders.

    and he must be experienced, we shouldn't have someone with no experience running our country.

    i might just be entirely ignorant but i think supporting a democrat, republican or independent just because they are blue collar or white collar or w/e is extremely stupid.

    i don't feel anyone running right now is the right person to lead america.  

  2. The economic damage was not done in one term, and goes all the way back to Carter. It started with the refusal to drill, which as you know, oil prices affect the entire economy. It is congress that has been responsible. If you look at presidential spending as a percentage of GDP ( gross domestic product) , Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush 1 all spent more. The party that will do the best job next time, is the one that will stimulate the economy, reduce government handouts and entitlements, and cut out pork spending. That will be the Republicans.

  3. i think the whole thing is half-and-half

    but i support barack obama all the way. if only i was old enough to vote!!!

  4. I don't care about MOST Americans.

    I support GW Bush...

    What have YOU, personally, done for MY country lately?

    The damage done by the LAST 30 yrs of economic policy ratified and endorsed by both parties will take FAR more than 4 yrs to fix.  

    BUT I can fix it.  

    If elected as President, I vow there will be No aid to ANY ONE: Foreign countries, welfare goes away, Illegals will be removed FORCIBLY from our shores.

    military will be expanded:  3 yr obligatory military or public service after high school to qualify for government student grant/ loans or to vote!  This will stimulate the economy and give some CAJONES to our infantile post high school crowds that haven't already stepped up to serve this nation.

    Republicans: Me, Myself and I!

    Vote for ME!

    Put an AMERICAN PIT BULL back in the White House!

  5. the biggest problem we have is that it is congress that is more responsible than the president.  the president sets the tone and acts as a cheerleader.  he submits a budget, but congress modifies it and approves it.  We dont elect congress all at once so most likely the democrats will remain in control, so regardless of who wins the presidency, i expect more of the same.

    i wish we could get at least a couple more political parties into the picture.

  6. Only the few the proud, and the intelligent......those that are not Sheople, and beleive everything they read on the huffing & puffington post MSNBC Michael Moore etc.....

  7. No, the next President can't.  There is too much damage, it's going to take 20+ years to fix the hyperspending the "Fiscal Conservatives" did the past 7 years.

    Notice:  "Fiscal Conservatives" runs deficits.  "Tax-and-Spend Liberals" like Clinton run surpluses.  Hmmm.

  8. Ask John McCain if most of America supports Bush.

    The fact that McCain distances himself from Bush and claims he isn't another Bush---while the Dems claim he is shows you that .....


    It will be tough to fix America after what President Cheney and puppet Bush did the past 8 years-----but OBAMA/BIDEN can do it.

  9. Surprisingly, Bush beat Kerry by a huge margin.

    The real estate/mortgage fiasco was created by Congressional regulations that required lenders to give loans to less-than-qualified people, and fuel and food prices are way up because of the Congressional oil embargo against America, stupid subsidies to Big Farm, and a sheer refusal of the Democrat Congress to do anything about energy other than suck wind.

    Personally, the whole d**n Federal Government is too big and ugly for my taste.

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