
Do most Bush supporters have a high school education or GED?

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I don't think they do, I could be wrong though.




  1. LOL, they are also the ones that will most benefit from liberal ideals, i.e. social medicine and social security.

    Red staters do seem to be intellectually challenged.

  2. I think you're probably about 7 years old.

  3. I studied Adobe and Auto cad...So how bout you.

  4. your options are limited...we have those and more...usually the uneducated vote Dems because they promise free things while other people pay for them...kinda like santa claus for Christmas...but you don't need to be good...just be able to breathe and vote for them...

  5. A MS degree in biology, a BS degree in biology, a BS degree in Chem.....oh and a high school graduate.

    Care to compare IQs next?

  6. Actually statistics show most younger people support Obama.

    I know.. that silly math always gets in the way.

  7. Don't know, but they make more money.

  8. I know one guy who supports bush that has a diploma, I know I'm not getting the best answer for this lol.

  9. Most Americans do, regardless of which party or candidate they support.  Taking broad cheap shots at millions of people you don't even know, is not very mature or effective as a discussion point.

  10. I voted for Bush in 2000 & 2004 and will vote for McCain in 2008.

    4+4=10 right?  HA HA!

  11.   Wow what an intelligent and thoughtful and well phrased question ! Ill bet you sat and pondered and took all of about 3 seconds formulating it !  Just love how you Liberals are such deep thinkers ! Its truly amazing it really is! I get goose bumps just imagining someone like you and the amount of just awesome brain power you waste on a daily basis ! It is truly amazing !--------------But to answer your question id say yes !  

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