
Do most Christians agree that the war in Iraq is doing God's work, and how is that supported in scripture?

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as Palin has said?




  1. Yes because most Christians believe they need to spread "god's good news"

  2. Because George Bush told them, that God told him personally to make war with Iraq and Afghanistan and a large amount of them took his obviously bogus claim as gospel truth.

  3.   Afliction  has alway,s  been a reason  for war,,Moses  took  the

    children of  Israel  out  of  oppresion  and many  died,

      God will  send help  to his people  when oppresed

      or  aflicted,,read  the old testement.

  4. I don't believe it, and I strongly doubt that most Christians believe that.  Saddam was non-religious. Does that mean that most non-religious people believe like Saddam?  Of course not. In the same way, most Christians don't believe the same as a few kooky politicians who use Christianity to further their agenda.

    And Naomi, some (fortunately few) people are saying it is God's "work".

    The fact that people, non-christians, are strongly objecting to this kind of logic, is because you are actually reflecting the Christian background you came from. You know that it makes no sense. You still have enough of a Christian mind-set for that.


    Kayla, you don't allow email so I have to ask you here - I'm curious: Just where does the Bible say to keep our eyes on the Middle East? I have rtread my Bible through some 30-40 times, and my New Testament many more times, and yet I have never found any text that says to keep our eyes on the Middle East.  Could you give me the reference?

  5. "A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace."

    Ecclesiastes 3:8

    and considering the type of people we are fighting i think it is justified...

  6. Proverbs chapter 16 and verse 9; "A man's heart deviseth his way; but the Lord directeth his steps."

    There are many more scriptures supporting the fact that God is in control of man and all things, both spiritual and physical. He "allows" evil for a time. But it will ultimately glorify Him. The story of Joseph in prison for 12 years for a crime he did not commit and the cross itself, in what appeared to be the greatest tragedy ever, were both acts that God used to save man, His creation, whom He dearly loves. (John 3:16) But man will not come to the Light because their deeds are evil and our hearts are deceitfully wicked. For the most part, man is blind to the truth because these things are spiritually discerned. That fact is the most frustrating truth when in this section. How can they see, when the eyes of their understanding are as yet darkened?

  7. The bible tells us to keep our eyes on the Middle East, that's where things will happen. "They will cry peace, peace, but there will be no peace', that's bible prophecy, and you ain't ever going to see peace over there. God is not going to just sit back and let some country like Iran and their crazy leader have nuclear weapons to destroy other countries. At least the U.S. is selective of the spots they bomb, taking care not to harm civilians, meanwhile, that lot over there care nothing about life or value it at all, what with all those suicide bombers and such over there. I would have thought your people would have learned after the twin tower incidents, just what those people are capable of. Of course, if you bring your troops home, and the terrorists come to your homeland, then you will be whining that your president let THAT happen.These people that go around thinking that love is going to fix everything are living in a dream world. All this is part of God's plan and it will come to pass whether you like it or not, so whine on.  

  8. Does that mean i can go around killing people because God told me too?

    Pfft, she is off her rocker.

    God only loves America, remember.

  9. I hope they don't. There is NO war in Iraq, there was an invasion based on lies and false intelligence, and at present we are conducting an occupation of Iraq, even tho we have no legal right to be there. This is one of the most shameful incidents in American history, and for someone to think we're doing 'god's' work in Iraq is crazy.

  10. No.

    I am Catholic and I do not feel that God wants us to be in Iraq.

    I feel that since it is Holy Ground that God wants us to stop fighting and instead keep on believing him.

    Violence isn't the answer.

    Make love not war.


  11. You mean God's will?  She didn't say His work.

    Because we believe everything is part of His will.  That everything has a greater purpose we will never be able to understand in this life.

  12. It's time to pull our guys and gals home, not only from Iraq, but from the other 700+ countries we are in...and focus on our  problems here on the homefront!

  13. There is no scripture to support this war. The Bible says there is a time for war and a time for peace. We could have made our borders more secure without randomly picking some country as a scapegoat for 9-11 and trying to retaliate for it. There still hasn't beed justice done to the perpetrator of 9-11 and it has been 7 years.

    From what we know of Bush, he isn't even praying and asking for God's guidance, he is just acting out of impulse. That is not biblical either.

  14. God said he will bless America.

    Saddam Hussein hated America and wanted to undo God's blessing.

    Now Hussein is dead....

    God's will.

    Ding dong Saddam is dead.

  15. I'd hope not, if the deaths of thousands is considered doing "God's work" actually To me it seems to make a reference to the crusades were they not doing "God's work" Ridding the world of the infidels, freeing the holy land? Iraq could be one more step in fortifying the position that the Holy Land stays with the 'believers'. (I know its ruled by the Jews not Christians but in essence its only up and running from the help through the 'West's financial, Arms, & political' in essence in the hands of 'believers' ; )

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