
Do most Italians have black in them?

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I have some distant Italian ancestry, but I heard that Italains have black in them, if so how?




  1. I think we all do. My Mom was Irish with very fair skin and curly jet back hair. She said she was Black Irish from the Moorish raiding parties from the south.

  2. We all have " Black in us ". We're the same species, homo sapiens. You have to realise that in the ancient world migration of peoples in search of the promised land was an everyday event to stave off starvation as sources of food were poorly developed. As people dispersed from africa they became isolated by mountains ( think of the himilayas) and would have reproduced among themselves thus limiting genetic changes . This is what we call a population bottleneck where a small population of people found a new race of people in that region that later develops into its own culture, nation etc. But what we think of as racial purity is possibly a bad idea as we simply fix high levels of mutations in our own populations by not mating outside of our people eg cystic fibrosis in irish people of Tay Sachs in a certain jewish people ( Assinary jews ????). In fact, thats the whole point of emigration and immigration...the chance to improve our isolated inbred stock with the genes of people from another ( equally inbred) race or region.

    The Italian skin colour simply reflects their adaptation to the climate of the mediterranean sun just as the Vikings were pale white. Our skins provide vitamins eg vitamin D that we couldn't get so easily in our stoneage diets through sunlight exposure. In order to maximise this white skin was selected for just as the original humans selected for black skin ( to protect from high sunlight exposure). But, infact we're all pretty much the same genetically seen as we come from the one species....but there was other human species in northern europe at the same time as ours...neanderthals...two distinct species of man.

    The real real change the italians brought about was the structure of the roman empire which greatly shaped modern europe and drove technology and war technology in particular and gave the "whites" the idea they were put on this earth to conquer other peoples . Even today our whole outlook is derived from the roman/italian model of political state and army state.

    I am paley skinned and sunburn terribly and wear factor 50 in the sun but both you, me and Muhammed Ali would have the same % of black in use...i.e 100 % . The actual number of genes governing our skin colour differences is probably only 6 out of 30,000 genes in our DNA.

    But why Italians play such great soccer is a mystery to me :)

  3. Think about it, Italy is close to Africa, with a body of water that can be easily sailed across. My friend from Kenya says that the coasts of Africa are populated with people of all different colors being involved in trade for upteen thousand years.  The interior of Africa is where people are dark hence the saying "deepest, darkest Africa." The coast traders would take people from the interior for the slave trade. The East side of Africa sent slaves to the East and the west side sent people to Europe and America.  Most likely, Italy or Spain would have been the one of the first stops for ships coming from Africa to European ports. Also, I have read of African sailors from various sources with Christopher Columbus being one who had such sailors on his ships. As you know, sailors are well known for having women in every port.

  4. What does "black" mean to you?

  5. I'm Italian, and I had my DNA tested, and they said that my ancestors walked out of Ethiopia, 40-50,000 years ago!

    I presume they were Neegroid back then...

  6. This "theory" is based on a misunderstanding of why some South Italians are darker and have curlier hair than North Italians.

    Yes it is possible some South Italians have North African ancestry from being descended from slaves kept by the Romans or from Africans who lived in Sicily and South Italy in the early middle ages but this would be a very small minority!

    Eurpoeans and Caucasians can have dark skin too!

    Its' all exposure to UV!

    Hello Italy Mediterranean climate? More sun?

  7. Italian do have African in them. I learned it in my European History class. A general named Hannibal wanted to take over Rome and recruited soldiers from Africa. It's a historic battle because they attacked on 37 elephants. When the war was over, the African soldiers were left in parts of Italy, where they procreated with Italian women.

    Why do you think Italians have darker skin, fuller lips, and a dominance of brown eyes than their euroupean neigbors?

  8. All ethnic groups have black in them, because our ancestors came from Africa and are most probably black people. So all ethnic groups including Italians, Germans, Chinese, Japanese, Nubians, Tutsis, Hutus and all other human ethnic groups are descended from black people.

  9. Well Maverick,

    The jury is in...Italians definitely have some "black in them", just as you do, I do and everybody else on the!

    Next question.

  10. Nope.

    Black African Y chromosomes show up at less than 0.1% in the Italian DNA studies I've seen. You get a little  Arab and Berber in Italians from the Moorish (E3b1 variants of the Y chromosome) occupation of Southern Europe, but they are Caucasians, not black Africans.

    Eternal...haplotype J isn't African, for the tenth time, it's middle Eastern!!

    If you are really interested, I can dig out the Y chromosome studies, but they'd take up about a 20cm of space, and more!

  11. where the h**l did you hear this?! yes, they maybe came out of africa like 40-50,000 years ago.

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