
Do most Pisces??

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Pick their noses??

I know of three who do.




  1. yesss! haha joking no all the zodiac signs mean nothing

  2. LOL! Yep, you're right. If three do it, then it has to be true. :)

    Edit: ROTFLMSAO!

  3. hahahahaha! wow. im sure pisceans aren't the only ones who pick their nones.

  4. LMAO Omg my ex would pick his nose in front of me, like literally while we were having a conversation. I felt bad cuz i didnt wanna embarass him and call him out on it but in my head i would think "HELLOO you're kinda picking your nose in my face!!" lol (His bday is Feb. 27) and some of my Pisces male friends do it. I know of no female Pisceans that do this though!!

  5. Everybody picks there nose, its a part of life.

  6. I caught my 2 yr old picking his nose the other day.  He has a pisces asc.

  7. Hi Ms. Virgo:

    Yes, I'm sure if three of them do it, then all of them do.  You have a good eye!

  8. i knew a taurus guy and he would actually eat his boogers and he is 19 years old.  

    i just thhougt i'd share that

  9. yeah

  10. haha, i dont know? i havn't seen any that do thats funy lol

  11. lol

    I guess so...... but you'd know better


  13. ommm well

    i'm a pisces

    i think i use to when i was like 3..... but i don't right now

  14. well I don't think that habits such as those have any dependence on astrology.  however pisces is the fish for a reason, they tend to resemble schools, just like real fish.  ergo, one follows another, and they all act as one.  I'm not sure if this has anything to do with your friends, but it is something I observed. I think you just might have a coincidence on your hands, rather than an astrological find.  However, if you wish to look up any other similarities, this website is wonderful.

    good luck!!

  15. Are you kidding me?
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