
Do most South Africans support Peter deVilliers as the new Springbok coach?

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Jake White is a very hard act to follow, but deVilliers was a good U-19 coach and is obviously a kind and wise man.

The appointment is far-sighted, because the more non-whites who get into S.A. rugby, the better will be the Springbok team.

I well remember the first non-white Springbok, Chester Williams, and his first-class response to an All Black punch aimed at his head in the 1995 final : a calm duck to the side and a broad grin! A true rugby response, in the best tradition of the world's best game.




  1. First, let me say that I'm not a South African, and I support the All Blacks.  However, most of my mates cheer for the bokke, so I'm pretty well informed on the matters of the green and gold.

    I'm sure that Peter de Villiers is a great guy and a fantastic coach.  However, somethings need to be taken into consideration.  Firstly, Jake White should have been offered his job back as the coach which brought the World Cup back to SA.  It's just plain rude to completely ignore the results which he produced.

    Secondly, this is obviously a move by the president's council to install a puppet leader who'll pick black players.  While that is bad enough, what's worse that the president's council came out and admitted that de Villiers was picked because he was black.  Even if de Villiers does a great job (which to be frank, i seriously doubt) his reign will be maligned as an appointment which lacked merit.   This will undermine his tenure not only with fans, but with players as well.

    Thirdly, when looked at his closest competitor for the job, he's vastly unqualified.  Coaching kids and coaching grown-ups is completely different.  Heyneke Meyer's record is impeccable and he had the support of players.  Meyer had 3 Currie cup titles and the first S14 title on his resume.  My question is what does de Villiers offer except being a black coach?

    Furthermore, if the president's council really had faith in Peter de Villiers, why not offer him the job till after the world cup?  With the exception of England, which has 2yr reviews for coaches, every other country offers their coaches the job for 4 years.  Personally, I think that they gave de Villiers the job for 2yrs because they know that he's vastly under qualified, and that the odds are he'll s***w it up.  

    Lastly, if SARU is really bent on transformation, then they should invest money at the grassroots level in black communities.  Not only will this help breakdown the color barrier that exists in SA, but will develop prospects for the future.  In addition, when these players come of age and start to get selected for teams, the opinion will be that they are playing because they deserved it instead of because of racial issues.

    In regards to Chester Williams ducking the punch, that's not the normal bokke response.  The normal bokke response would be to throw the punches, and lots of them, while the All Blacks duck.  The Springboks are the world's most physical team for just that reason.

  2. Matfeild and Smit will be doing more coaching than Mr deVilliers.

    There is absolutely no evidence that skin colour and merit can be put into an equation with known results. Either on the pitch or in the boardroom.  

    Ducking an All Black punch is not a typical Bokke trait. The Bokke are usually throwing the punches while the ABs duck.

    You really think being a good U19 coach will cut it?

    He has never been part of a super franchise, and many would say that the job demands more than merely being a good U19 man.

    Still as a far-sighted move, time will tell. It is a first step on the road to transformation, right now I would rather see a token, muppet coach than have the team reduced to muppets.

    Lets hope Mr de Villiers has a great first season. Henry and Deans are going to be pushing each other like nothing rugby has ever seen, I can't see de Villiers doing anything but being squashed between the two Kiwis.

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