
Do most black people still believe that O.J. Simpson is innocent?

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I am in law school and this topic has come up in discussions.




  1. no everybody believes he is guilty.

  2. I think many black people were happy he got over.  The legal system has exonerated many guilty white folks because they had money, resources and such.  Black people historically have  not had such privilege do to lack of the money it takes to hire a lawyer who can prove them non guilty in the court of law.  His lawyers were able to prove that he was not guilty despite all the contrary evidence.  The legal system works for those who have clever counsel and money, those who dont have such luxury pay with time and shame.  I personally doubt he was innocence and I am black, however the  question wasnt if he was morally guilty but if he could be proven guilty. It kinda proved to the black community as a whole that the legal system was rigged and they were happy to see it be rigged in their favor for once.

  3. I think he's guilty. So does every other black person I know.

  4. If you can find someone on here that can legitimately speak for most black people....c'mon.  If you're in law school, you're going to have to learn to do real research.

  5. I'm white, my husband is black. I think he's innocent. My husband thinks he was there, but had someone else do the deed.

  6. I may just be speaking for myself but from what I've heard most people, black or white, believe OJ is guilty. It's just that he managed to buy his way out of the system, like so many white people before and after him, and therein lies the novelty: you don't see that happen too often and although he was probably guilty as h**l it was the fact that a black man beat the system that has most black people cheering for him. From a personal standpoint, though, I firmly believe that O.J. did it.

  7. They never thought he was innocent they just didn't want to see OJ go to jail. So they say OJ was "Innocent". He did it.

  8. I don't believe that he was innocent at all. I hope that one day they prove that he murdered Nicole Simpson so that he can sit up in prison for the rest of his life. I hate O.J. Simpson (he is a sell-out) and I don't know why other black people support him.

  9. Judging from the Jokes by Dave Chappelle (specifically in Undercover Brother and Chappelle's Show), it doesn't seem that way.

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