
Do most brazilian women have big butts?

by  |  earlier

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What percentage of them are implants?




  1. there are exceptions to everything.

  2. Most of the people I know from there, and pictures, and videos suggest so.

    Man they are FINE!

  3. Do u think that there is so many girls in Brazil with enough money to make an implants?In US most girls have big b***s(?), in Brazil we have big butts.

  4. Yes, most of us have big butts, it is a thing that we Brazilian women have in our DNA, and it is all natural, here we don't need implants to get big butts.  By the way I am a real Brazilian woman from Porto Alegre.

  5. Don't know !

  6. Yeah, I'd tap those hot Brazilian hotties 24/7 damnnn

  7. i dont if it's implant

  8. I don't know, and I don't care. All I know is that they got some fuking azz.....Maaaannnn, I'll  tap that shiet!!!

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