
Do most feminists consider themselves an asset at work and home even if they fall 2 letters short of an asset?

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Do most feminists consider themselves an asset at work and home even if they fall 2 letters short of an asset?




  1. You've never actually MET a feminist, have you?

    If you HAD, you'd realize they ARE assets (well, many, not all).

    Actually, you probably have met many feminists, but, since you didn't go out of your way to express that no woman should ever have any rights, you didn't KNOW they were feminists.

    You're buying to a bunch of lies about what feminism IS. Try looking it up in a dictionary.

    Feminists are simply people (men and women) who accept that women are human beings, not some lesser species, and thus, have human rights.

    REAL men ARE feminists. They also tend to be assets at work and home, too.

  2. No but you meet my grandmothers definition of one.  

    She said: making smartass comments doesn't mean you are smart, it just means you are an ***.

  3. Well aren't you by their sides hand and foot serving them chamomile tea and gingersnaps?

  4. hehe...are you making these up? In truth, I am a bit of an a-s-s. I fell behind on the dishes. There's flies in our kitchen sink now because of it. My bad.

    I like! s**y time!

  5. Well I would have had a rational response to this question on behalf of the feminist friends I've made on this board BUT when you post a question with an insulting premise, that just takes away any will I have to post an intelligent response.

  6. That's the most asinine statement.

  7. I take it you still live in mommy and daddys basement.

  8. Are you calling me a "set"?! D:<

  9. Yeah. That and they consider themselves "brainy" when they are actually only more "brawny" than many of those Marines - put together.

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