
Do most girls want to get married? (part 2)?

by  |  earlier

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Aight so I asked the question and I heard some interesting arguments. Some women said that a guy is not serious if he doesn't want to get married. Well, have you ever heard of life partners? I just dont believe in marriage, and I love my girlfriend with all my heart, and neither one of us know if we want to get married yet. Why do you have to make people that dont want to get married look bad? I dont want to milk the cow for free as someone else said, and i really want to spend my life with her but not married.




  1. I don't think it's bad to no get married. you should be able to be happy with people.I know two people who have been together from the time they were 14 and still at 30 something they are not married and they even have 4 what u want who gives a **** what other people say!!!

  2. Marriage is BS.  Unless you're having kids together, even then.  If you're really in love and respect each other who cares if you're "married".

  3. If your girlfriend doesn't know if she wants to get married then what is your point to asking this question.

  4. well, you'll be missin' out on some good tax breaks, and breaks on things like auto and medical insurance.

    again, you sound way to young to get married anyway....

  5. it is love that matters, not making it official

    marriage just makes things easier legally speaking, unless it comes time for a divorce then it is a complicated mess

    i honestly believe that some ppl get married just so it will make it harder for the person they r with to leave them


  6. You and I think exactly alike.

  7. I agree

    marriage is an old school sham used by the church to gain control of the poor an middle class and to prevent against the spread of incurable diseases

    in my opinion

    if someone really loves you than they will be with you no matter what your circumstances

    if they dont want to be with you because you dont want to get married or for whatever reason than they never really wanted to be with you in the first place.

    those type of people are just looking for an excuse to break up anyway.

    they want the alimony, they want that child support better get a prenup

    also!!!     if you live with some one for more than 7 years than you are legally married under common law (in most states) anyway

  8. I have heard of the life partners thing, but I think its kind of stupid. Im not try to diss your lifestyle, just respond with my oppinion. I wasnt desperate to get married, but it was something that I wanted to do. I just dont see the point of wanting to spend the rest of your life together, but not get married. Getting married is fully combining your life with your s/o. I find that a lot of people who would rather just be partners or whatever, just dont want to get hurt/go broke from a rough divorce. You probably have a million things wrong with getting married, but to simply shack up together doesnt really have a point. Yes youre with your s/o, but taking that final step to get married signifies the joining of two people officially, spirituall or whatever. Anyways... I dont know any woman who doesnt want to get married, and come to think of it, I really dont know any man who would rather shack up forever than marry the woman they love.  

  9. Do what you want.  I already said it was important to me.  If that's your view then don't get married.  Nobody will argue with you unless you ASK them for their opinion.  So don't ask anymore.  Just do what you're comfortable with.

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