
Do most girls want to get married?

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I am in love with my girlfriend and we are both not sure if we want to get married yet. However, I know that a lot of girls do right? Would you go as far as dumping a guy who you thought was your soulmate just cuz he wouldnt want to get married? Its just a piece of paper isnt it?




  1. Almost girls do want to get married.

    If you already have career or and ready to raise a family, go ahead.

    Check this complete guide to online dating,throwing a wedding and saving marriage

  2. Alot of girls want to get married and that's why there are so many divorces.  Who cares if they want to get married?  That's when couples get married for all the wrong reasons!    You don't get married because you feel like it.  

    You get married in your late 20's, early 30's when you're ready to settle and raise a family.  You should be together at least 3-4 years so you know each other inside and out, mentally, emotionally and physically.  You should be in love with respect, trust, communication and always making each other happy.  You should be easily certain that you are going to spend the rest of your life with that person, because you could never be without them.  

    Marriage should come naturally and if you are not sure if you want to get married, then you are not even close to ready to and if you do, you're getting a divorce!  

    Don't already destroy your future, because she wants to get married.   She's going to get pregnant and that's it!  That's when you'll realize that this is not the life you wanted, because you weren't ready to be married and raise a family.  It happens to so many billions of people these days and the children are suffering.  Why don't you learn from their mistakes?

    I can tell you are very young.  Just enjoy life together.  You have plenty of time before you should be thinking of marriage!

  3. I wouldn't dump someone who didn't want to get married no, but it also depended on the reasons.  If this person was willing to live with me and be with only me that would be all good in my eyes because I personally would never marry anyone, no matter how I felt about them.  I do not believe in marriage though.

  4. Some say it is just a piece of paper, but to me marriage is much more than that. It is a declaration to God and the rest of the world, that you two are committed to each other and your future family. When you get married God joins you, two become one.

    No offense, but you sound too young to be seriously be contemplating getting married. Keep in mind that from 18 to 24 a person's brain is still changing, and people change a lot during that time. Wait till you have gone to college and/or established a career, so the marriage can be a more successful.

  5. I think most females do want to marry and some don't. Don't categorize your GF she has her own mind. You are with her and should know what she likes wants and needs. I think women that say they will leave if the man doesn't propose right away are in love with the idea of marriage and not their man. Its ok to wait. Make sure you are ready and she is too that way you guys will have a very successful relationship. Good luck!@

  6. First of all, if you think you are soulmates, why wouldn't you want to get married? That is the problem and doubt I would have if my "soulmate" tells me he loves me-- but not enough to sign a paper and legally join his life to mine. Some love! A guy who wants to milk the cow for free! A guy who wants to give me his love for an undefined period of time, instead of forever!

    This is the reason my last relationship didn't work out. I wanted the commitment and security of a married relationship, but he didn't. He ended up breaking up with me because our difference of opinion was too vast and significant as to erode our relationship. I thank him because a month later I got with a guy who not only was everything that I wanted in him, but was manly, decisive, not afraid of a real commitment, and in love enough to want ask me to be his forever. He's read every article in the book against marriage, but he has a mind of his own. The thought of another man having me in the future sickened him. He wanted to prove to me that he is more than just romantic chatter-- he is the real thing.


  7. Totally depends on the girl.  I didn't care either way.  My husband asked & I said yes.  It doesn't mean my marriage isn't important to me but I wouldn't have left if he didn't want to get married.  I never dreamed of the big wedding & planning it was actually the most stressful & annoying thing ever so we eloped instead.

  8. Most girls do fantasize about the big wedding...daddy walking them down the aisle...the whole shebang...but not every girl is the same, so if I were you, I'd talk it over with her and see where she stands on the issue of marriage.  Ever hear the saying, "You can't judge a book by it's cover"?  The same stands true with women.  You can't judge them all by one.

    God's blessings on you and yours...Always!

  9. Marriage is the ultimate commitment and it is very important to women.  A lot of men just want to be "friends with benefits" and that leaves the woman with no benefits because there wouldn't be children or the blessing of marriage.  A lot of states do honor common-law marriages but not all do and if something should happen to one or the other, there is no separation of marital assets.  There is a lot more to marriage than just s*x and a name change.  Something a lot of guys still need to realize.  If they want those kinds of benefits, go visit the red-light district.  There are all kinds of women who will take that small percentage of your income to make you make "that face."

  10. i am a girl and I'm telling you i would dump a guy if he doesn't want to marry me. marriage is more than just a commitment, its a reassurance that you will always be loved, valued and cherished for the rest of your life.

    Before we get married while in a relationship we(girls) build a bridge around our hearts to protect it against disappointment and marriage breaks down the bridge and we our able to love whole hearted. holding nothing back. its also nice to know that after a very long, exhausting and terrible there is someone at home who is going to make it better.

    let me ask you something, if a woman would have to choose between a relationship and a marriage , which do you think she will fight for?

  11. Marriage is a public declaration of your commitment and love for each other.  A witnessed declaration is powerful.  It is about love not fear of loosing each other etc.  As you know people end this sacred contract by divorcing all the time so it isn't exactly that tight a binding, right?  People stay together because they want to whether or not they are married.

    You are right that it a way it is just a piece of paper.  So, why wouldn't want to get married when you think you are soul mates?  Are you afraid of a piece of paper?  

    It goes both ways.  When you are ready, you will.  In the mean time, question why you don't want to get married?

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