
Do most guys feel they have to spend money on a girl he interested in to get to know her or have s*x with her

by Guest57470  |  earlier

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Do most guys feel they have to spend money on a girl he's interested in, to get to know her or have s*x with her (non-prostitute women by the way)?




  1. I would be a lot more likely to have s*x with someone who shows an honest interest in me, respects me and makes me laugh.  Those things are all free.

  2. I never had to spend money to get a woman interested in me ... learn the game.

  3. Yes.

    Who pays for dates generally?

    What do women think of a guy who never pays for anything?

    Are women happy for every date to end up in a park or some other place free with no food or drink?

    Are women happy to just hang around the house watching TV every weekend?

    Seriously ... anyone who thinks men don't have to spend money to get to know a woman is not living in the real world.

  4. Try not spending money and see how far you get. Dont hold your breath

  5. Apparently they do, but they shouldn't.

  6. There are a -lot- of women who expect a man to spend money on her, thanks to the pedestal our society places material wealth on.

    My advice?  Don't spend any money on her for awhile.  If she sticks around, buy her and yourself a nice vacation to say thanks, haha.

  7. Gestures are very important to women.

    You'd impress most women with a poem, a home cooked dinner, washing their car, or a handmade gift as much as the traditional flowers and gifts.

  8. It's really variable, and a superb question.  I've lived in many geographic regions and I can honestly say that there's definitely a regionally-dependent pattern of behaviour expemplified by s**y women.  In some places hot women are not money grubbing at all and are just delightful human beings.  In other places, they see men as a large wallet (sorry if this isn't a nice thing to hear, but it's the truth per my experience).  Generally speaking, if a guy is confident and simply dresses well and carries himself in a dignified manner, it's really not hard to get s*x from hot women, even if it takes a little money to take a her out to dinner, it's well worth it.

  9. Um, no. If he is willing to wait and truly love her as with her back to him then he should not have to.

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