
Do most men enjoy being single?

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No marriage, no children, no stress. Do the majority of men enjoy being single compared to women?

Since I'm childfree and suspicious, I think I've gotten used to being single because most women my age pretty aren't my type.




  1. I am really not sure.  One of my husband's friends is single.  He doesn't seem to like it much.  But I am sure that there are those that do.

  2. I think the answer to this question is very simple. Men who are single by choice probably very much like being single. Men who are single whether they want to be or not probably don't like it as much. That said though, it is really a personal choice.

    Most men tend to pretend they like being single even if they don't.

    I am single and would prefer to be in a relationship. Unfortunately I was beaten rather soundly with the ugly stick so finding a relationship is a little more challenging for me. I like the closeness of relationships personally but that's just my view. I also think the s*x is generally better, you both know what the other likes and how to push each others buttons. It can be less exciting as it is always the same person but I think the benefits outweigh the negatives.

    Ultimately, it is an individual choice.

  3. dudebroooo! i hate being single. i dont know about you but i like having someone there when you need them. its just a thing i like. i dont like the baggage but theres the positives and negatives to both situations

  4. I don't, but what ever floats your boat.

  5. I'm a girl and I like being single.

  6. I am a woman who LoVeS being single. No c**p to deal with for a while. With every relationship there is c**p to deal with... hey it's life. But relationships and fining love is still so great that it's worth it. But still, I like being single. You can check out guys without feeling guilt and having to remember who you are dedicated to. It's nice... for a while, then you find out it's nicer also to be with the guy or girl you love.  

  7. Yes, you sound like you are having a wonderful time.  Wait till you get older and spend Christmas and Thanksgiving alone; you'll be having even more fun.

  8. Well Im A Guy And I Think Being Single Is Amazing You Dont Get Tied Down  (im not g*y or that) i do get the occasional 1 night stand x)

  9. Generally speaking, the older a man gets, the more lonelier

    he is (if single.)  There is an army of single middle aged + men who are lonely.  Most are working stiffs who can't afford a wife and/or can't find a girlfriend.  

  10. no, being happily married with kids,big house, constant feed of money, and living the good life is good. But when a guy wants to have fun he will act like his life of being a family guy is holding him back; it isn't. for a guy to have fun but to remain a family guy he has to hide what he does from his family. ONly sometimes. otherwise being single pursuing a career, chasing girls, and having low bills is always great but ultimately a real man will marry and have kids and raise a family. unless your some rich guy.........

  11. Well, i've been jumping in and out of being single for the past year, so i think i can offer a bit of perspective.

    Pros of being Single.

    Your time is your own.

    Less worries.

    You can go after whoever you want.

    You never have to bail on friends to go on a date.

    Pro's of being in a relationship.

    More s*x.

    Dont get lonely.

    Always someone to talk to.

    Helps the ego.

    Overall, it depends on what you wanna do at the moment.

  12. I enjoy being single and free of the plethora of STD's that Single Women are SHOPPING around. Because they insist on sleeping w/ men w/o birth control.

    Just nasty.

    ....Had to bold SHOPPING because some girl below is having problems reading her colecovision.

    Lie, Safe s*x, then NEXT. Its time that men concern themselves w/ their own happiness

  13. After twelve years of marriage I sometimes fantasise about being single!  Marriage can be wonderful, but at times it's very hard work, and sometimes I think it would be easier just to be single again.  However, I find the rewards of marriage outweigh the struggles.

    I think it's partly about maturity.  The idea of marriage and children as something stressful is usually felt by people who are under the age of 30, or by people who don't like to make compromises.  But most people, by the time they're in their 30s, find themselves wanting the kind of companionship that comes from a serious relationship, especially as they watch their friends settling down.  That's why, eventually, most people have long term relationships or marriages.  The people who remain single all their lives are in a small minority.

  14. u can never be happy being a single person.u r running against nature..

    now wat ur type is r u a super man need a super woman or something like this.  

  15. I think the guys that enjoy being single are the ones that were with the wrong woman for too long or lost the one they really wanted.

  16. yeah for the majority of the time i love it cos i can do what i want when i want it but sometimes when i do see my mates with their g/f's i do get a bit down about it  

  17. Im a female but my biggest fear is marriage. I already have a child. I was sexually assaulted hence how i became pregnant so being with a man i have these trust issues. I dont even go for one night stands even though i get asked alot. Im happy being single but at the same time i miss the companionship.

    I respect my body and myself as a person. Just because i enjoy being single doesnt mean its ok for me to sleep with whoever. It doesnt work that way. To be honest anyone who does that is disgusting and gross. I was once in love but that was 4 yrs ago and i dont think i could ever love again

    To that guy who said single women carry diseases. Its actually the male who carries it, women are just unfortunate to get it.  

  18. I thought I did, until I found the right girl.

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