
Do most men keep or change their appearance for women?

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Like if a man had body hair and he liked it but women he found attractive didn't like body hair on men, would most guys shave just for women or would they appriciate their physical appearance and not do it?

Me, I would appriciate my appearance and won't change it for anyone.




  1. my husband and i both work to please each appearance has changed, and so has his, since we started dating. it's not that we weren't attractive to begin with, but it's nice when some one puts in the extra effort.

  2. I would say that if you want to change for yourself, then do it...but never change because anyone else wants you too. If a woman wants to be with you, then she should accept you for who you are.

  3. I would never do this.

  4. A good woman would appreciate your appearance too.

  5. it sort of depends on the guy i know a couple guys who would do anything for a girl but i also know some who wouldn't do anything like that for a girl so honestly it just depends on the guy

  6. I like to keep fit because it makes me feel well about myself and I enjoy appearing sexually attractive to women.

  7. I like to trim my chest hair, because I just don't like too much hair. I like trimming, because I still keep and have hair on my chest, but just neat and shorter, so I still look like a man, but at the same time don't cross over to neanderthal and provide some skin and some surface for a girl to brush her hand against my chest without going over a bunch of hair, but just some.

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