
Do most men touch/rub/squeeze their wife or girlfriend's stomach when being intimate?

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My fiance does it all the time. I can't figure out why because believe me my tummy is NOT flat by any means and it makes me feel self conscious for his hand to be in that area.

When we're being intimate he does it and if I haven't seen him for awhile and we hug, he puts his hand on my stomach when I pull away.

I've asked him why he does it and he shrugs or gets defensive. It makes me feel like he's pointing out my flaw of not having toned abs, but he's never said anything or acted disgusted by my body.

So i thought i'd ask in an annoymous forum if all/most guys do that or if it's just something weird he does.




  1. He probably loves you... your tummy, as much as you seem to dislike it, is part of you.

    You probably make him feel like he's doing something wrong by caressing you.  If you really can't stand it, talk to him when he's not doing it.  If you could get over your self image and see yourself how he does might have a much more enjoyable time.

    It's all up to you.

  2. Yes.  Women's tummy's are a turn on for us men that is often overlooked.  It doesn't necessarily have to be movie starlett tight.  As long as a woman is reasonably fit and not grossly obese we'll be inclined to rub, squeeze or caress that area.

    That is if we're decent lovers.

  3. Maybe he likes your belly. He loves you, right? Maybe he's showing he loves every part of you - even what you don't like.

  4. He's not pointing out your "flaws" - he loves your curves and softness.  Shut up, relax, and learn to enjoy it.  Would you rather he criticized you like some of 'em do?

    He's a sweetheart and keeper.

    And your body is not disgusting.

  5. Just his way of being affectionate. If it bothers you, tell him so.

  6. You are reading too much into it! I think you are conscious about it causing you totake it the wrong way. My husband used to do it to me all the time-he would kiss it. When we were dating it kinda sets me off but he told me that he does it because he knows this is the tummy which will hold his children and he feels lucky that i am going to be the mother and he will go on and on on how great i am for him and his life but this communications occured after about a year of this! So enjoy it adn don;t make a big deal out of it adn try telling him CALMLY about it ! Tell him how it makes you feel. Good luck!

  7. Do you remember the Pillsbury Doe boy, that cute little white chef on the TV commercials?   I just wanted to reach out and squeeze him he was so cute!

    Perhaps he just cannot help it!   If he's not complaining about it-------enjoy it!  If you are so self conscious about your body that it hinders your intimacy------do something about it.  

    Sitting around worrying about it doesn't help.   And you might drive your guy crazy with all your insecurities-----so let that motivate you into making YOURSELF happy and just taking care of yourself, eating healthy and exercising.  You'll get a healthy, s**y glow!

  8. I don't know. Maybe he likes it! Does he kiss you there? Just ask him, "Hey, I was wondering..."

  9. My boyfriend does that! Kisses my belly and rests his head there and touches it and stuff like that... I never asked him about it though, I just assume he does it because he likes it.

  10. He likes your muffin top.  Women have cool bodies.

  11. he prlly likes it ppl are differnet just let it happen if he wants to

  12. Some do, ever heard of the phrase "more cushion for the pushin", there you go :)

  13. I do it to my girlfriend, and she thinks exactly the same as you, that im pointing out a flaw. But I just do it naturally because i think stomachs are s**y to touch, whether they are flat or have something extra to hold on to.

  14. In short, yes.  When we (men) seek contact with someone we love and we don't want to be too forward (like putting our hand on your chest or other more sexual places) we do like to touch in places that you are most woman like.  Even if your stomach is not perfect it is still shaped like a woman (if you notice when a man gains weight his belly has a different shape).  So even if your belly is not model thin or perfect in your eyes, in his it is still a 'woman's belly' and that makes it s**y!  Try not to be self conscious about if you can and remind yourself that he loves your body and all the parts that say 's**y woman' to him :)

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