
Do most of the people you see with perfectly straight teeth have veneers or had worn braces at some point?

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Do most of the people you see with perfectly straight teeth have veneers or had worn braces at some point?




  1. a lot of them probably had braces but not all. i have really straight teeth and i have never had veneers or braces. sometimes its hard to tell just how straight someone's teeth are.

  2. If you open any body mouth and take a good look your will rarely find somebody who is perfect but a lot of people has straight front teeth which you see, I for example have a molar that is tilted but it is impossible to see from the outside

  3. My boyfriend and all of his siblings have perfectly straight teeth with no braces or veneers. It's the luck of the gene pool for some people. But for the rest of us braces are needed.

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