
Do most other musicians feel like social outcasts?

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cause I am a musician and I don't have any really close friends. I know of a couple people who are also musicians and feel like this, but do most musicians have this "issue"?




  1. no, im a musician. I write music. I still have close friends.

    But you have to think of it as not being them that won't hang out with you, its you wont hang out with them. Put it on yourself, so that you can find a way to fix it. It helps a lot. Respect yourself, get the idea out of your head that you wont make a close relationship, and say that you can. Its wierd how the mind works, but a change of thinking can change a lot of things. Get out of your comfort zone and show people your personality. Be yourself :)

  2. As with any art form, music is a personal form of expression.  Not many people understand the objectives of a musician and so they tend to stand off.  Oh, they may be amazed by your talent and wish some of it would rub off on them.  Also, I've found that jealousy can be an issue.  Not everyone "can" be a musician and most wish they could be like you.  Believe it or not, people who aren't gifted often times feel inferior and threatened by someone like you, and so, they tend to drift off.  It's a fact that people who are into the arts, are a different breed.  They see life and the world in general and on their own terms and all that translates into musical, artistic and literary espression.  You may feel as if you don't have any really close friends, but I'm sure there are people who love you.  You have this gift and I'll bet you any money that music is all that you think about and you are probably so immersed in your craft at times that it's you who doesn't have time for anyone but what you do.  Think about it.  People who are gifted become ensnared in what they have to offer the world.

    You just keep making music and be happy.  Believe it or not, the world is such a fine place because of you.  God bless.

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