
Do most people appreciate our Countries Finest? I.e. EMT, Firefighters, Police, and the Military?

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Sometimes i think people take all of us for granted until they really actually are in need. I am a firefighter, and a bunch of my friends do it with me, and we love it because its just something we can't get enough of. Now a few of my Non-Fire/EMT, Military, and Police friends constantly rag (make fun) on us about how we are stupid and have no common sense cause we like to go into burning buildings, or the military, cause they go and fight for the freedom we all feel secure with. but when its the civilians in need, we end up having to help those who not so long ago made fun of us. yet we still help them cause we love what we do and we care.

let me know your opinions and thoughts. its just something i haven't been able to grasp in a little bit




  1. I think you'll only be disappointed if you look to other people to appreciate the job you are doing. We all like a bit of recognition and appreciation, but it is rare to actually get either. Most people do not fully comprehend the types of work you are asking about; and most of us who have done the work are self motivated. I've always just accepted the teasing and the comments like "I could never do what you do"....because most people will never know the rewards.

    However....there are people who appreciate the types of workers you describe....and their acts of kindness are like gold....hang on to those kind words!

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  2. Well, we are not stupid and we do have common sense because we are trained and always training to make sure we do the job at hand right.  We do this because it is others like your friends, when they get in trouble and can't help themselves, they can call on us to come and help them out.  In the time of need they are glad we do this, and so am I.

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