
Do most people get information from too limited a source?

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It's fascinating to me that so many YA users are adamant that nobody will vote for Hillary Clinton, even though the polls indicate that more than 50% of Americans have already decided to do so. At least as many are certain that global warming is a hoax, although a recent poll found that 84% of Americans are convinced it is real and human-caused.

It seems that many people form their opinions about the mass of Americans based on the thoughts of a few friends and family members. In an era of increasing globalization, this seems almost dangerously limited. I have no doubt that even smart and well-informed people will still disagree sometimes, but it's troubling to see so much passionate advocacy based on so little information. How can we help people become better-informed and to make wiser decisions?




  1. Yes, absolutely.  And this is not limited to conservatives.  I was in a very liberal town during the last election and met many people who were convinced "nobody" would vote for George Bush.  I don't know how you can make anyone listen, but anyone who really cares about truth should make a point of getting their information from diverse sources, not just those they tend to agree with.

  2. people must be encouraged to consume media from many different sources, both originating inside their country of origin and outside it.  Only when they do can they even begin to see the bigger picture and put things into context so that they can form their own opinion rather than rattling off some c**p their favorite commentator said and passing it off as what they personally "know".

  3. Yes people certainly get their information from too few sources.  Like your "poll" that shows that 84% of Americans are convinced that GW is real and that it is human caused.  What nonsense!  There is now way 84% of the people in this country believe that!

  4. I think we all get into ruts when it comes to obtaining our news and information. We rely on one cable channel or one news service via the internet. It would do us all good to widen our horizons. Although we might not agree with the other point of view it is wise to be informed about it.

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