
Do most people on this post even know anything about boxing?

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Is their more then like 5 or 6 guys that actually know boxing?? I’m thinking that most are rattling off answers that they look up on the internet and not from their experience. Just wondering who here actually watches boxing with any regularity???




  1. yeah, most people on here arent really huge boxing fans, most just know who the major names are like Mayweather and De La Hoya, heck most people think Mike Tyson still fights. There is a reason why i dont come on this board as much anymore because the question board is typically filled with questions that are pretty embarassing such as, "who would win Tyson or Jet Li?" i mean come on shouldnt that be on the fantasy section? although there are a few who's questions/answers i really do like to read, just to name a few there is Aceman, Woody (great answers), Blogbaba2, Ric Zenbach (interesting but good questions), mrraraavis, Frank P, Frank D, toughguy2. i know there are a few others but i cant think of any off the top of my head, these are just the ones i know will keep the boxing subject as pure as possible.

  2. Yes there are several on here that really do know their boxing either out of their love for the sport or former fighters.  I've been following boxing since I was about 12 years old, some 42 years, done a little boxing myself and have always been absorbed with the history of the sport reading every ring magazine or other boxing magazine I could get my hands on through the years.  I have watched many great fights as well through the years so most of the information I do give is stuff that I already know.  For instance I don't need to look up the records of Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Rocky Marciano, or Joe Louis because I already know it.  I love to when the mood strikes, to come up with dream fights and read the great answers from the experts on here who I have a great deal of respect for and to when I have the chance, to answer a boxing question to the very best of my ability.

  3. Blogbaba

    Toughguy 2







    Elmer Fuddstein


    Frank D


    Ric Zenbach



    All these people know there boxing and know it well.

    There are people who rant about a lot of rubbish like Untouchable and Hebrew Mauler but nobody takes any notice of them.

  4. I remember Roberto Duran.  Man!  He loved to fight!  Someone hit him, he'd smile and punish them.  He had trouble  with taller fighters.  He moveed up three weight classes to fight Leonard, "No Mas!".   Duran was still winning championship fight when Leonard was only able to take about the fights.  

    I was a die hard boxing fan, but MMA has taken me away.   I do know that those Russians are knocking the h**l out of the big guys!  The real Rocky was heavyweight champ when I was a kid.

  5. your probably correct that most do not have knowledge of the sport but eve those who watch it regularly don't know much about it either. only those who have participated in boxing are really going to know what they are talking about and there are probably even less of those on this website

  6. sadly your probably correct

  7. you are completely right

  8. Boxing is a subject that people will debate forever. Everything is subjective. It's a fun debating subject, especially if you can accept the fact that you probably can't change some people's thoughts. Lets face it, some people think they know everything. There are foolish people that play in this forum. I don't waste to much thought about them. I enjoy hearing and learning from guys that have different experiences from me, and especially guys that are a little older than me. There experience is golden. To ignore it is foolishness!  "I wise person seeks wise council"

    I enjoy others opinions even if I don't agree with them. I can value their opinion and even take something from it, if they back their opinion up with logical sense.

    I also fought as a amatuer. I'm friends with and have sparred with Pedro Agosto. He was Ko'd by Foreman before the Jimmy Young fight. Unfortunately, we've lost touch.

  9. Thumbs up Toughguy. I have been involved in boxing since I was 8 and from amateur to training other fighters I stay involved. I also read as much as possible  I have a massive video library I am proud of  and I have attended hundreds of fights over the years. In my family boxing is a right of passage. Uncles of mine were pro's, cousin's were and are current pro's. I learn a lot everyday from all of them. And I learn a lot everyday from the answerer's on here. One can never know too much. But u do have people who have no idea what their talking about coming on here with MMA and absurd  comments and questions. But we all learn from each other and after awhile know who is for real  and ignore the ones that put down other people for their opinions or pick arguments.

    EDIT: I would also like to know the TROLL who had my question deleted about Tyson. TROLLS SUCK. Real boxing fans rule! Later my friends.

  10. Thumbs up to toughguy, ACEMAN and G.O.A.T. there is a core group that have considerable knowledge of the sport who frequent Yahoo boxing.  I have been in and around boxing most of my life, and have boxed armature both prior to and during my military service.  I still enjoy the sport as a fan, but I haven't laced up the gloves in over a decade.  I have a pretty extensive video library, and have met more fighters than I can possible list, and a great many champions.   I still catch the major fights on TV and go to the fights every now and then, but not as much as I did when I was younger.  I don't actively train much any more, I guess I got lazy as I got older.

  11. yea  their is alot of non boxing fans here, their is alot of pacman fans and mayweather fans but not boixng fanx.

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