
Do most people who have a drinking problem always abuse beer/hard liquor or wine?

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Is it because beer/hard liquor is cheaper or is it because it has a higher alchohol content?




  1. Alcohol abuse has nothing to do with cost of the drinks. Its just you see the low cost stuff more publicly.

    Its a question of taste. I have known some of the worst beer drinker h**l raisers and some very refined people who could barely function on there scotch.

    I believe that a true alcoholic will take any port in a storm though.

  2. probably both

  3. Rot gut booze is cheaper, ounce for ounce ::

    A fifth of cheap vodka = about 10 drinks = $10US

    6 pack cheap beer or = 6 drinks = $6US

    Bottle cheap wine = 4 drinks = $6

    But people who have drinking problems don't all go on the cheap.


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