
Do most people work mainly for money? And would probably not work if they had all the money?

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I'll make this short. I'm 18. I am about to graduate my high school Everyone wants me to get a job and get into college. Was that because of me getting a job and becoming financially secure? Would they do it if they knew they and me were financially secure?

Do most people work mainly for money? And would probably not work if they had all the money?




  1. What? You're already looking for  way to drop out and loaf?

    Sure, most people work to make money; it's about the only way to stay alive and out of jail. If you don't want to go to college, then don't. Go to trade school and learn how to build widgets, or repair cars, or whatever.

    Or, here's an idea, get a friend to take you on as an assistant manager at a burger-flipping joint, and try seeing how much fun you can have on minimum wage.

    Good luck!

  2. I think the majority of people work just for money.  Money is a necessity to live, eat, and enjoy many of life's luxuries.  And also so many people are living paycheck to paycheck because of the lifestyle they choose.  There are always other ways to save money, and cut back when times get tough.  

    In any case, I think there are more people work to live vs. LIVE to work.  Most people do not enjoy their jobs, they can be stressful, and overwhelming.  But this is where people need to realize that a job does not define who you are. It is what you do, and how you make money to pay for things in your life, but it is not the person you are on the inside.  

    In general, I think if people had millions of dollars, most would never work another day in their life.  Others, however, need that "something" to do everyday to keep themselves busy.  It may not be the same job they had before the money, but I bet they would want to work if for nothing more than spending time with others, and keeping the mind somewhat challenged.  

    Thanks for reading!

  3. work can be fun sometimes.  A few places I worked as a machine operator i worked for free.  once you get so many hours of overtime you just pay more taxes so no increase in paycheck is what i mean by working for free.  the first time you don't realize till you get paid but, after that you know.  but i'd go in anyways to hang out with friends at work basically.  sure i started for money but after you make friends with people at company some times its like that.    

  4. As I said on the questionnaire that asked me why I worked at my current place of employment: Because no one will pay me to stay home and loaf!

  5. That's a good question. Here are my running thoughts..

    Money is important yes, people work for money primarily (we do have to make a living else we cannot afford food and rent). If they enjoy their job, that's a bonus they feel.

    I am assuming if people already had the money, they would probably still work but for enjoyment and satisfaction of doing somthing they love and for staying busy. Most people I notice like to stay busy too.

    But there are some who Start-off working not for the money but becoz of their innate interest to contribute and use their talents and have fun along the way.

    I think the older we grow, the more important it becomes to ENJOY and find MEANING in what we do, and it's not always about the money then. But I wouldn't say that everyone realizes this. Some people continue to work Just to make a living. They might not truly enjoy their job, but it becomes a habit to keep the wheel going.

    If you ask ME what I like... For me, it has never been about the money. I dont need to live a luxurious lifestyle. What's more important is that my life be meaningful and I enjoy my work......a work that's making use of my talents and interests. U know they say - and I really believe in this -- do what you love, and the money will come.

    Most people might look at it the opposite way. They work at something they DONT really enjoy...and then use the money they get for something they might love. I suggest u START with something u love and might enjoy doing - and you'll be on the right path.

    Just a q. to ponder: would u select a high paying job but a job u dont love, or a low paying job but a job u might really love.

    ofcourse, with more experience and knowledge, u can have both - money and enjoyment of work.

    Ofcourse, we all have individual choices....and personalities, so it is ultimately upto you with what you are comfortable with and what ur own goals are.

    Goodluck to you!

  6. All about the benjies

  7. Duh..

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