
Do most resturants in Ensenada speak english?

by  |  earlier

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Could you please tell me of some nice ones to eat at, we love seafood and will only be there for the day, catching Mexicoach. So it;s needs to be close to the station. Any ideas on what else we should do with our time. Any places to stay away from, I will have my two children 13yrs +12yrs.




  1. No, I went there a few years ago and I had no problems ordering.  There are seafoods almost everywhere. I recommend all.

  2. No, most folks there do not speak english.. only broken english..  Try Senior Freds or Papas & Beer. Both places are americanized & serve food.

    there are lots of restaurants but a nice thing to do with the kids would be to see La Bufadora (the blowhole) its a natural made water spout.. it's a pretty neat thing to see.



  3. the best person to ask is the buss driver. ok good luck bye =)

  4. Some of the nicer restaurants probably have someone who can speak English. The typical restaurants probably do not. You might use your favorite search engine and see what you can find.

  5. i´d try the local ones-skip senor frog´s and the  likes.people will know the words to fish and as for the numbers too,say one,(signal with your finger) and  order of that fish and just point to what you want!they will speak broken english!just remember do not drink home made fruit water-or have ice in your drinks.aslo i´d not eat the salads or the ceviche which although delicious is raw fish!you will get fresh hand made tortillas yum!

  6. Restaurants do not speak. The staff may speak English. Puerto Nuevo is a better choice for seafood.

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