
Do most trucks have 13 gears or 6 gears transmission?

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Is the truck with 13 gear transmission easier than a 6 gear transmission?




  1. Lots of trucks have two speed axles so a typical 10 speed dump truck is really  2x5  two speed rear with a 5 speed transmission.  It's more like a bicycle with gears front & rear..

    You have to get the transaxle in low range BEFORE you come to a complete stop or you're screwed.........

    Old 3/4 and 1 ton pickups can have 4 speed granny boxes. -- 1st is only used starting uphill or towing a large trailer. Red line on the V8 engine is reached at  8 to 10 mph....

  2. Heavy duty truck transmissions are very easy to drive.When you are m/t you can start out in 3rd or 4th gear.When loaded 2nd will usually get started.Since the rpm range is much narrower in a truck you can actually shift gears without using the clutch.Most trucks have 10 speeds in them but you can get them up to 18 speed now.Also a lot of automatics are making there way out there.As always If you can't find em "'grind em"

  3. Of course not. Twice as many times spent clutching and shifting not to mention from what I've heard you have to press a button or switch to change gear sets. So you'd shift a conventional 6 times or so, press a button during your next shift and then do the reverse when you need to downshift.

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