
Do most women TRUELY believe that their need for intimacy is more important than MEN'S need for s*x?

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One of the most annoying things about feminism is the way it puts female values on a pedestal while kicking male values in the dirt.

If you look at the "politically correct" value system that has come about since feminism, it largely shows values that are "in the best interest of women" to be "right" and "good" and "honest" while the values in the interest of men are seen as "bad", "selfish", "cold", "insensitive" etc.

Have you ever noticed that in most movies, television and most media, women are RARELY depicted as being immoral?

Have you noticed how women complain about men being "dogs" for being so interested in s*x.. YET when men complain about women who don't "put out" its seen in a bad light...?

So WOMEN (and men too).. do you TRUELY believe that womens needs are more important than mens?





  1. Feminism doesn't do this. The media does this, and feminism has had very little influence over it for the past few decades. And women are portrayed as being immoral when it comes to everything but s*x.

    Either way, if two partners place such different emphasis on these things, their relationship is doomed.

  2. Um - yes, of course we do.  Were you expecting any women to say a man's need for s*x is more important than our need for intimacy?

    Babies will wither and die without intimacy.  Celibacy, although no fun, has never killed anyone.

  3. You're making all men sound like animals who can't control themselves. Not all of them are looking to have s*x when they go out with women. There are many men who don't have nearly as strong a s*x drive as you seem to have.

  4. I am a feminist, but I believe in equality and balance btwn the genders. If you ask me, if society didnt demonize female sexuality, more women would be openly and frequently interested in s*x. I believe s*x, like rest and food, are essential to human health. I also see s*x as multi-faceted. On the one hand, it is a base function conducive to health. It is also a rite of love. I see nothing wrong in men being interested in s*x, I'm pretty into it myself. I think a lot of women are, they just deny for fear of being called immoral (due to the above-mentioned demonization). Yes some people seem insensitive to their partners needs (whatever your gender) and that is sad. I think there needs to be a balance, though.

    I get tired of seeing the double standards in the media, too. How can men and women become the equals we were meant to be, if the media keeps portraying men as animals, etc.

  5. I believe our needs entwine one with the other.

    While for you it's sexual gratification; wiping the slate from a bad day, etc. I'm glad I was able to do that for you; and in the long run no harm was done, because I on purpose didn't make any comparisons.  Rather you could say I enjoyed the encounter, too.  

    Men are far from insensitive; it's that sensitivity that often send them to their caves to sort things out. Being sensitive is not measured in words and the amount of talk a person does.  It's the works on the inside and when a woman watches and takes notice she can see them; at times she can feel them.

  6. You live in the films friend. There are loads of women who just want s*x.

    btw, there's no 'e' in 'truly'.

  7. I don't even pretend that its not OK to want s*x. IT IS.

    For me, my need is never less important then my partner's. Period.

    I guess, the media has psychologically castrated males all around the world into believing that their basic desire is animal-istic.

    I don't buy it. I just believe if women need all that soft stuff, they better be prepared for giving some. Its two way only.

  8. No.  They don't.  Some people actually have "empathy" and are considerate of others' feelings, even putting them before their own needs.  When you have two people who do that, you have a "good relationship."  

    I will repeat that and go slower if you need me to do that.

  9. now you know why I hate femenists?  because men needs are not important to them,these b*cthes have taught women to be sefish and to call men pigs every time we say that we have needs.

    no I don't think women's needs are more important than men's needs.

  10. "Nobody died from a lack of s*x." Very true

    Nobody died from a lack of intimacy either.

    I don't believe either of these things are NEEDS.

    Food, water, air, shelter, clothing etc are needs.

    s*x and intimacy are wants or desires. Some want them and some don't. So I'll have to say that neither one is more important than the other.

  11. Mike you contradict yourself so much that arguing with you is like trying to clean a big dirty house but you have no idea where to start.

  12. Nobody ever died from lack of s*x.

  13. of course these areas should be on equal grounds, but the modern woman is not like the traditional female. The male has not changed his aggressive and dominating attitude, and women do have an equal part socially and the women's movement has turned a lot of heads and stirred a lot of unresolved conflicts. Once it was said that the Women's Lib was from the expressions of some lesbians and feeling still aggravates the scene. We are no longer living in a Gregorian society and most households now need two paychecks. Trying to rub the sensitive part of a males societal part is only causing a reverberation. The Male's need for s*x isn't always on the intimate side of things, then the female declares a war when her intimacy isn't satisfied. This raises a big question;  Do women need men more than men need women? Maybe a little research in honesty would find a need equal!

  14. its more grey than black and white, good and evil. i dont feel like i need to cuddle after i "do it". i dont feel like i need to have a nice dinner and made love to. i do agree with feminism being kind of blurry. sometimes it seems like a having cake and eating it too. Like we want a man to treat us equal but we never pick up the check. I do however believe that most younger women right now 15-29 really have a lack of vision when it comes to relationships, education and becoming kind of whorish (and in a cheap way). I am for empowerment but you have to own the power. Respect men and yourself. Dont treat them like dogs. U want to be equal be able to talk to them about stuff they r into. Concentrate on more than just your looks. And before u start thinking im jealous. When i see a really hot girl or women and she opens her mouth and she is dumb. Im thinking...."that is a F ing tragedy she could own the f ing world with her looks and intelligence. But she will end up nothing but a divorced trophy wife and maybe squish out a few puppies." Wake up !!!!

  15. Actually, s*x and intimacy are equally important in both men and women's minds.

    After being in a sexless marriage with a loving man, i can tell you i'd probably rather have s*x.


  16. I have always been able to incorporate my need for intimacy with my need for s*x.  Why do people think women do not need s*x?

    Someone mentioned s*x not being a need, yet Maslow lists it as a basic need (bottom line, with food, shelter, sleep) of humans on his Hierarchy of Needs.

  17. I think feminist think that way because men have treated them on what you described in the past. They found it so hard to forget about it and learn from the past that they turned into feminist.

    Movies and television has always been that way. We are not that far from the fifties so people still think of women as the moral ones. Is it fair NO but we have no control over that.

    As for calling men 'dogs' for wanting s*x that's from emotion, they are speaking out of hurt, not in a realistic point of view. Us women do want s*x as much as men, we are just more picky about who we have s*x with(Most of them). So when you wonder why it takes so long for women to 'put out' we are making sure we won't regret it (Most of them). Some get fooled and played so that's when they call men "dogs", out of hurt.

    (It's not just women who call men "dogs." Fathers do too. My dad always told me "Sessy men are all 'dogs' don't listen to them for a second. Their full of hormones not love!" Ironic since he is a man too.)

    Yes and NO for womens 'needs' being more important. Women are more emotion then men so when you call then a w***e or something we get teary. (most do) But men are important too.

  18. Do I believe women's needs are more important than mens? No, but 'women' ad 'men' are just facesless strangers who I don't know. When it comes to relationships both partners needs are equal.

    Of course my husand's eed for intimacy is just as important as mine.

  19. Wow, I'm actually going to agree with you (but for the record I think I should tell you that we all know you're not buff like in your avatar).

    I HATE the kind of feminism that thinks there are "women" values and "men" values.  It is so stupid to declare that in a woman's world there would be no war or prejudice or blah blah blah.

    I also agree that trying to claim that women are morally superior is not only stupid, it also only serves to further limit women and relegate them to the sidelines as not true humans, but some other weird entity.

    Women are people - we make mistakes, we do good, we war-monger, we cry for peace, we commit crimes, we put people in jail, we get angry and violent, we exercise self control, we put out, we act cold, we are generous, we act selfishly...

    In other words, there is no set of traits that belong to "women" and not to "men."  We're all just humans.

  20. I don't think a woman's needs are more or less important than a man's. I also know that I am a heck of a lot less likely to have s*x without intimacy.

    BTW: s*x is not purely a man's value any more than intimacy is purely a woman's.

  21. There's nothing wrong with desire for intimacy.  At the same time, there's nothing wrong with desire for s*x.  Where the problem lies is that no one communicates anymore.  They just assume that the other wants the same thing and gets pissy when they don't get it.

    People need to open their mouths and start talking.  Tell your partners, or potential partners, exactly what you're looking for in a relationship.  If your partner doesn't want the same thing, you're probably not meant to be and you should move on and try to find someone who does want the same thing.

    How freakin' difficult can it be?!?!?!

  22. my need for s*x is way way stronger than my need for intimacy. my husband gets wound up sometimes cause he cant jist hug me without me wanting it to lead to s*x.

  23. Personally, I wouldn't want to have s*x if I knew my partner wasn't into it and just doing it because I harangued and whined and guilted them until they relented.  

    Apparently you have no such qualms.

    I don't really see the problem.  If you feel your partner isn't sexual enough for you, you're free to find someone else.  If someone feels their partner isn't nurturing and affectionate enough, they're free to find someone else.

  24. No, I truly don't believe that women's needs are more important than men's.

    I question the "need for s*x" part, though. Don't women have that need, too?

    "Have you ever noticed that in most movies, television and most media, women are RARELY depicted as being immoral?"

    No, that's news to me. But remember that the main characters are usually men, so it's not as if male viewers get the short end of the stick.

  25. In my family all the way back through old conservative Irish families, there have only been eight divorces, one by me and seven by my big brother. Mine brought great shame but my brother's do not because obviously he's mad and cannot be held so accountable.  I tell him all the time, "You do not have to marry every woman you want to have s*x with, you dummy."  And he says, "I know.  I know.  I'm always thinking with my little head and not my big one."  And I once said, for real, "Then why not just poke a hole in a warm watermelon and use that instead which surely would cost less in alimony ( X 7, just 5 right now)".  And he said, for real, "Oh, my gosh.  I never thought of using a watermelon."  My brother, you see,  was never one bright enough for "intimacy".  lol

  26. Here's the problem we men face. It is the law of sexual supply and demand. Since we men have a greater demand for s*x than women do, they effectively control the supply. If women control the supply of s*x, then they can call our demand for s*x, dirty, crude, and immoral and we just have to sit back and take it.

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