
Do most women like to wear girly things like baby doll nighties to appear more submissive before their man?

by Guest65147  |  earlier

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Do most women like to wear girly things like baby doll nighties to appear more submissive before their man?




  1. Baby doll nighties are sleepwear generally worn by little girls.  I would hope most men aren't pedophiles and prefer something sexier and more sophisticated on their partners.

    Are you aroused by the thought of submissive little girls, buckaroo?

  2. I love wearing these things for my husband, but I think it has more to do with feeling seductive than submissive.  Shamu, I really hope your parents never let you wear anything like this:

  3. My man finds me s**y in a T-shirt and cut off sweats.  s**y has nothing to do with what we wear and real men know that.

  4. I like to feel s**y, not submissive...I have never bought a baby doll nightie...usually just wear underwear with a tank top...what is the point in spending the money when it ends up on the floor anyways.

  5. In p**n movies they do-in real life-it depends on the man or woman. In this forum quite a few men say they like to wear baby doll nighties and appear a bit more submissive to their woman. lol

    It doesn't matter what I wear-but boyfriend loves it.

    As for nighties-don't need 'em-I always sleep naked hon.

  6. I just like to wear them because they make ME feel s**y and feminine. I will wear what I like and I like girly feminine nightwear more than trashy outfits that make me feel like a w***e. I think that would be more for the guy. I don't think feminine and girly = submissive.

  7. no

  8. only if the guy is into children.

  9. I prefer jerseys and s**y boy shorts.

    Most men I know will tell you there is something mighty s**y about that. IDK what it is but it works for my husband.

    As for babydoll nighties...ehh well I prefer things that are a bit more mature. I wore babydoll type nightgowns when I was a little kid.


    No but I did wear things similar to this.

    Which is where the style for the adult form of it came from. Whether or not it makes sense I just prefer to wear anything but a pseudo-dress because they're uncomfortable to me and I can be just as s**y, if not more so, when I'm in something I find comfortable. idk just me I guess

  10. I don't know about most women but I'm not submissive. But wearing girly clothes has nothing to do with submission or dominance.

  11. No.

    What is "submissive" about a nightgown?

    Most women like to wear girly things because they're pretty.

  12. I rock a t-shirt and boxers or just a huge t-shirt and make my boyfriend deal with it...haha. He thinks it's cute though.

    To each his own.

  13. Depends on the situation hun!

  14. i prefer a hockey mask and a bloody chainsaw.

    2 thumbs down? hmm not s**y enough i guess...uhm would a machete be better? im just trying of a way to look really s**y! give me a break ppl!

    oh and 5 up! i like those ppl! for them i shal wear an evil clown mask and use a scythe!

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