
Do mothers like their first borns more?

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I had a horrible childhood my older brother would often beat me and torture me and nearly killed me on seveal occasions, and my mother would never do anything about it and I always suspected she loved him more

Yesterday I told my mom how I felt about things and she basically seemed unsympathetic, she tried to tell me how my brother was good and he loved me

I am pretty sure I know the answer to this, I wonder if my mother hoped my brother killed me because he nearly did on several occasions, my mother often told me when I was younger that she tried to kill me when I was insider he by taking hot baths and such




  1. without knowing the whole situation it is hard to make comment as im not one to judge anyone without knowing the whole story. maybe its something you could talk to a councelor or someone a dr maybe and tell them everything they need to know and they could maybe help you understand your situation more. but i will gie you a few things that might help.

    1) if you have different dads (u dont mention a father figure) maybe she was having issues with your dad and not his therefor taking it out on you i know its not right but it does happen.

    2) you were unplanned and she wasnt coping many mums that fall pregnant unexpected fell a sence of helplessness and she should of got help rather than abused you.

    3) your family had issues and you being the youngest were ment to make things right (which is always wrong to have a baby to fix a broken realationship). these are just some reasons for what might have happened good luck and please seek some advice from someone with medical knowledge it might help more than some senseless jerks on here :):):)

  2. this is horrible, How can a mother do this to her child???

    I am the middle sister of two other sisters!! there were rules for each of us but the punishment was always the same, for me and my older sister, but the younger ~ was doted on and no one could touch her!!

    I have a daughter now and I'm 12 weeks pregnant and I won't love her more because she was my first, but I guess she well hold a special place in my heart, I've spent the last 7 years with her and the bond is really strong, I hope that i can have the same kind of relationship with new bub!!

    And there won't be different rules for each of them!! they well be called *HOUSE RULES*

  3. no, my mom always tells me how mean i am and that im annoying and selish and a bad kid. but my little brother who is as bad as me gets no punishment

  4. It depends on the parents actually. I don't believe it to be true that all mother's love their first born more. Maybe you were an unwanted or unexpected child and that's the reasoning for treating you as such. I don't mean to sound unsympathetic if I do. I apologize!

    You may want to read the series called "A Child Called It." It explores a similar situation as yours.

  5. WOW!  that's harsh!  your mom is a horrible person...imo.  if you were MY kid, you would NEVER have felt like that.  I love my daughter more than my own life!  i'm not having any more kids, but if i did...i would love my second as much as my first.

    my parents loved my sister & me equally.  my mom used to joke that you make your mistakes on your first  but i turned out pretty well i think.

    if you're over 18, move out.  don't subject yourself to more of your "mom's" poison.  you deserve better!


  6. om first is first your mom is a B**** that's so harsh to act that was and treat you that way! a REAL MOTHER should love all her children the same as well as punish them the same sounds like your mommy likes to take sides

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