
Do mountians help stabalize the earths crust?

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studying geology and couldnt find enough info on it. so i need as much info as i can get. thanks.....




  1. the earth's crust is constantly changing.  what goes up must come down.  when a mountain is built (orogeny), the crust is shoved up & down at the same time.  the light crust floats on the molten heavy rock below it (isostacy).  the wind blows, the mountain get steep.  the rain falls & freezes.  glaciers form & rip up the mountain.  sooner or later the rock that made up that mountain has turned to dust (erosion).  the dust gets compacted, turns to soil, hardens into a paleosol, under pressure it becomes rock.  & that rock sinks or crashed into more rock & the process continues.

    not sure what you mean by stabilize.  they deflect wind.  have a windward side & a leeward side. windward gets more rain.  it's arid on the other side.  the water can wash crust away or the aridity can allow for the wind to make it dust.

    hope that helps!

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