
Do murderers deserve a second chance?

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Do murderers deserve a second chance?




  1. That's a very vague question... I would say that murderers should go to prison for an appropriate amount of time or life (It depends on the nature of the murder). I don't really support the death penalty.

  2. why should they, the victim doesnt have that option.

  3. No because their victims didnt get one...

  4. yeah lets let them run around and kill more....NO

  5. NO

  6. When their victims get a second chance ... we'll talk about a second chance for murderers.  Until then NO!

  7. No.

  8. YES

  9. No.  Did the person or people he killed have a second chance?????????????????  Why the h**l should he.  He should be shot right then and there.  The US would be a lot better place if there was instant death to someone that is ordered by the courts to be given the death sentence.  Jails wouldn't be as crowded because people wouldn't be committing as many crimes because they would actually be afraid of the justice system.  The way it is now, people get into trouble purposely because they get free room and board, free cable or satellite TV, weight rooms, a full law library to see where the courts screwed up their trial, etc.  

    Yes, they should be killed just like the people they murdered were killed.

  10. Yes with God...but here on earth...uh h**l no!

  11. noooo

  12. do the victims ever get a second why should the criminal...murder in such a trauma to society...worse to the family members who suffer the rest of their lives without their loved one

  13. Figure it depends on the murder. Probably plenty of murders that were simply people that lacked the ability to think clearly at the time. also plenty of murders that were people that thought they had no choice because the victim was a threat to them. Then there are going to be those that didn't actually commit the murder they got convicted of there will always be some of those around.

  14. Well, immediately I have to answer no...for a "Murderer". Not someone who has killed another person. A "Murderer" in my mind, one not deserving of a "second chance" would be the one who has, with malcie and forethought selected an unsuspecting victim, planned the encounter then willfully and unlawfully caused their death. On the other hand, there are certain circumstances where...stay with me on this one...I beleive the killing of another is justified. Not necessarily right, but justified and a decision, the consequences of which, one has to deal with forever. Now, I am certainly not talking about "mercy killings" or the like. But, if you feel your own life has been threatened, and in that moment you feel ther eis no other reasonable course of action, do what needs to be done. Other circumstances as well but too lengthy to get into on this board. Just my two cents....take it or leave it.

  15. Well it depends on who they murdered. If one murders a criminal , then they should be free of any consequences. If one murders an innocent person, then they should burn.

  16. sure they do the same second chance as the victims

  17. Well now that depends on the murder, huh? Cold blooded But what about the one who murdered because of a child being abused? Should he get a second chance if all he was doing was protecting a child? Maybe that is something to think about...but again...who do we classify as "cold blooded murder"?  (And does the abuser deserve another chance?)

    A good thought provoking question...

  18. a second chance!!!! so they can kill again.

  19. No - because it's just that, a chance.

    It's not whether they morally deserve it vis a vis some objective, impersonal standard - - it's whether society owes them the chance.   It's whether society should be forced to bear the risk that the killer will kill again.

    Since society is innocent vis a vis the killer, the answer is no, society does not owe the killer a second chance.

  20. 2nd degree... maybe. 1st, no way.

  21. Pre-mediated first degree murders should be in coffin confinement till they request poison.

  22. Many do have second chances.

    To murder again.

    Vermont comes to mind!

  23. If one person takes away one persons life, or one mother's son, little girl's dad, or a father's baby girl, doesn't it make since that person deserves for there life to be taken away? Why should they get to keep the gift of life after taking it  from someone else.

    Obviously, there are exceptions, but just killing ( the Jonbenet Ramsey case, Natalee Holloway)  is completely wrong and deserves severe punishment. End of story

  24. depends on the persons mental state during the time he killed someone. some people kill because someone pissed them off enough and kept digging and digging and digging until he snapped. happens all the time if you think about it but the usual result is a fight but sometimes fights can lead to deaths. some murderers deserve a 2nd chance but theres some that i wouldnt even like to of seen have their 1st chance. i watched a documentry on prison life and one guy was sent to prison in the late 30's for killing his wife. when he was telling the story of why he did it he said it was because his wife was beating his kid and told her many times if she hits his son again he would kill her and one day he did just that. he said he would rather suffer being in prison than see his kid get beat. he died behind bars. i would have given him a 2nd chance

  25. When h**l will freeze

  26. No way, their victims don't get one.

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