
Do musical composers like Mozart have high I.Q.'s?

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I heard a few songs by Mozart and It had me thinking, that it must take alot of brian power to be able to imagine the simultaneous flowing of many insturments at once and write it down on paper to direct the sounds he invisioned.

Do you think composers like him are intelligent?




  1. no

  2. Um... duh.

  3. It is generally accepted that Mozart had an I.Q. rating of 165, which is far above genius level. Johann Strauss’ was calculated at 165 and Beethoven’s 170.

    You are correct about the difficulty in imagining all the sections of an orchestra while composing music. Like anything else, intelligence is a great benefit.

    True, music and paintings that are not world class can still be pleasant.

    Anyone can compose music, write books or design a bridge. The question is; what is the value of the results?

    The really great feats are almost always accomplished by extremely sharp people.

  4. when it comes to music, an IQ doesn't really matter. there are a lot of people who have autism or down syndrome and are 'musical geniuses'. and when you think about it you really don't have to be smart to understand music or have a connection to it.

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