
Do muslims believe in destiny?

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Assalaam O Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh

I hope your day/night is going well..alhamdoillah

I am confused over something, so can somebody plz explain?

Now, destiny is the predetermined and inevitable series of events that happens to someone! right?

So, do muslims believe in destiny?

If so, when wel lie or to anything sinful and haram, isnt that predetermined and inevitable too? or those are the things that we control? and even if we DO control them, arent those things still predetermined and unavoidable?

I am confused plz help!






  1. Muslims believe in destiny but half of the things are controlled by u and half by Allah swt. Not that Allah swt can't control everything, but He instead has given us a choice, which we should use wisely and serve it in the way of Allah. If you do any sin or haram doing, it surely is known by Allah before you were gonna do that act, but that doesn't mean Allah made you do it or had control over you to MAKE you do it. That's not predetermination. Your acts are not controllable by Allah. You're responsible for your own deeds, either do good or do bad. And that's why there's heaven and h**l. If lets say Allah had made all human beings act according to His Own Will, then why would He create Heaven and h**l?

  2. salam sister ! Allah knows what will happen to us <destiny> and its already written for every1 of us ! but some r changeable like the bad things !!

    sister, everything is done in the present affect the future by consequences and the past by redemption !

  3. Alaikum salam warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

    We believe in Qadar -it means the fate.

    For us is predicted our property, count of children,our education,our day of death but we have freedom to decide our deeds,  

    just results of our deeds can be predicted by Allah.

    We decide about  our deeds and intentions.

    If we have very good intentions but happend something what we do not like then we should accept it,because it is  Allah`s decision.

  4. Allah wrote everything, and He also gave us a brain to distinguish right from wrong. Its like when someone commits suicide, then he says, this is what Allah has written for me. Allah swt gave us a brain to choose to do right or wrong.

    Allah swt said that whatever is good is from Him, and whatever is bad is from ourselves.

    When something good happens to us, we say this is from Allah, and some say, this is from ourselves. But when something bad happens, we always say this is from Allah.

    Thats wrong,

    Istaghfiro Rabbikum

    Astaghfirullah Al 3alay alazeem

  5. yes...Muslims believe in destiny... Allah knows our fate.

  6. Yes, Muslims believe in destiny whether good or bad. Any Muslim claiming to be one but does not believe in destiny is already going out of the fold of Islam and ceased to be a Muslim - because destiny or Qadr is a pillar of Islamic faith.

    We are who, in some degree, control our deeds and, that is why, we are accountable for them. We cannot be made accountable for something we have no power to do. However, Allah, can also intervene with our actions if He so wills and that is His complete prerogative. He can make us divert our attentions to do something that is good instead of letting us proceed to do something evil we were first planning to do (and that is through His grace and mercy which he bestows to whom He wills). The same do not apply the other way, He will not make us do evil while we are doing something good. Because goodness comes from Him. It was not He, then, but us, who insisted on doing bad, and we were able to do it because of the Freewill He granted us. The wrong deed we did was done by His permission not because He love it. There is difference between what He loves and what He permits. There are some deeds which He permitted to happen and loved it, as well as some deeds which He disliked or hated but permitted to happened.

    Things are written before they occur, but we do not know them. Even our sinning were predestined and by committing them we cannot blame Him but ourselves. The fact that He knows beforehand what we are going to do at this particular time does not make us blameless for our actions. For he commanded us to do good and shun away evil. He gave us the Qur'an and the Sunnah of His prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him). He even provided us concessions in our actions; by thinking do evil but did not do it, we earned one reward. By thinking to do good, but did not do it, we also get one reward. By thinking to do good, and did it, we can acquired 7 to 700 times rewards. And by thinking and doing one evil deed, we can only get one evil point.

    The most importatnt thing is to repent after sinning. For humans are subject to sin. The prophet Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: the most noble of all the sons of Adam is the one who sins and then repents. If man does not commit sin, Allah will replace him with another creation who will commit sin and then repent.

  7. I asked about Islam and destiny yesterday:;...

  8. Muslims believe that God decides what happens to everyone. So if anything was to happen a Muslim would believe God meant for it to happen.

  9. Yes, I do;-)

  10. Assalamu &alaikum sister.

    Of course we do, in a way. Whatever Allah (swt) has for you that is our destiny.  By the way, yes Haifa is hot , but ashwriya is also very beautiful.   I probably killed the name, lol.

  11. yes we believe in destiny, whatever allah has planned for us.

  12. There is predestination and divine foreknowledge. Humans have some freedom, but we don't and can't know whether something huge that we have done were really our choice or predestined. So, it is lame to use the excuse of destiny for killing a person or doing something bad.

  13. We control our destiny to a certain level.  If we lie, we choose to lie. It is the infinite power of Allah subhana wata'ala the we were known to have lied or sinned or, insha'Allah do good deeds.


  14. Salam, every path you take there is a right or wrong to it. You can choose the right path or the wrong path. If you choose the right path, good things happen to you. If you choose the wrong path, bad things happen to you. That's how we control destiny. For example, after you wake up, you have a choice to brush your teeth or not to brush your teeth. If you brush your teeth your breath will smell good, if you don't your breath will smell bad. lol hope this helps.

  15. Just as someone who punches his fist into a brick wall cannot claim injustice when it hurts, nor can we claim any injustice if we disobey God's moral laws, when we know them, and get punished. We "know" that the wall exists and that it is hard and that is the reality we deal with. The ultimate reality is however, that God could make that wall disappear just before your fist reached it.

    The concept of destiny, therefore, indicates that we must seek harmony with God’s rules of human nature and nature at large, and consciously submit to His will. Destiny as conceived by Islam, therefore, does not take away our freedom of choice and action. It is our willful choice of those actions from our inherent possibilities that are in harmony with God’s will that earns us our reward from God. Thus, qadar can be a source of inspiration and encouragement for us, and it really opens up vast fields of human activity. It need not make us utterly powerless or helpless; on the contrary it can be a source of inspiration and encouragement.

    From an Islamic point of view, Man is free for all practical purposes. He/she has no excuse for making the wrong choice and then blaming qadar or fate, any more than a man punching his fist into a wall can blame the laws of nature. He knew the consequences of his actions for all practical purposes and he shouldn't expect a miracle.

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