
Do muslims usually volunteer to donate their organs for transplants after they die?

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Do muslims usually volunteer to donate their organs for transplants after they die?




  1. By muslim logic, it's possible, but only if it goes to a muslim first priority.

  2. yes there's nothing wrong with it

    it's Halal

  3. No

  4. Not if they're suicide bombers, which is not to say that Muslims are suicide bombers! Some Muslims do donate organs.

  5. As long as it's not prohibited, yes. I mean that I would have no objection if my eyes or heart etc. were taken and given to somebody who needed them for his/her life.

    It's not going to be painful for me, and it can't be a loss either, since I won't need them anymore. Rather, I would benefit by the hasanat that I am going to get after death.  

  6. noo ..your not even suposed to have and otopsy ..and i mena if u want to have stuff ripped out of u ..cuse muslims belive that u can still  feel and hear while your dead would think not .

  7. I would say No. All of our organs and parts of the body bow to the will of Allah (swt).

    1) They are not ours to give away. Allah (swt) made the parts of your body for YOU. Why would you potentially give your organs to an unbeliever?

    2)When you die, Nakir and Munkar the Angels of questioning, will come to determine wether you are deserving of Heavens or h**l. As a part of their intense questioning, will be the questioning of every single part of your body. From your nails, to your hands, to your eyes, to your stomach, to your lungs...absolutely EVERYTHING will bare witness to that of which it has done. Now do you still remove/donate your organs??

    3) If Allah (swt) has called a soul to Him...why would you want to contribute to the rebelliousness of the others soul, because they don't want to leave this essence not trusting in the plan that Allah (swt) has for that and your soul.

    4) Do you want to wake up on the judgment without those body parts?? Your NOT going to be able to ask Allah (swt) for a replacement...He will tell you that He already gave it to you and you gave it way.

          --Their was a man during the time of the Prophet who went to war and his arm was severely injured. He was in so much pain that he had his arm removed and died from it. He went to Heavens and he asked Allah (swt) for the arm...and Allah (swt) told him that he was not patient with his pain and that He would not give him another arm. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

    When Allah (swt) calls you, you need to leave because you don't know what is waiting for you. If you stay you can possibly incur more sins and can lose paradise.

    Trust in Allah's Divine Plan, for He is All-Knowing, Most-Merciful.


  8. I'ld like to donate my organs bcoz it is a donation that will make somebody's life..Especially when it comes to donating eyes!!

  9. yes, it is considered as an ongoing charity that continues to earn reward after a person has died.

  10. ya , usualy ,,  

  11. I don't know but i don't expect that they do.

    When we die, we're not supposed to do anything to our bodies but purify and bury in the white cloth.

    I don't think many muslims would because of the teachings of Islam and that our bodies when we die feel much more pain according to Islam.

    I don't know whether it's Halal or not though, i'll look up into it actually.

  12. I know I wouldn't. I want my body left alone when I die.  

  13. The Ministry of Religious Affairs in Turkey has decreed that it is alright to donate your organs after death.

    Not to mention we will give lives to those who need organ transplants.

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