
Do my Twins look alike?

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My MIL is now debating that my twins aren't even twins, their facial features are alike but i need honest opinions. I'm deleting this once i have a best answer, so don't say 'Dont put your child on the web'.



She has the Gray Sweatshirt on.




  1. I think they look alike, when you have boy and girl twin, a lot of people wont think they are twins becasue a lot of people think that, even though its not true, that twins are of the same gender. My twin and i look exactly alike bt we are both girls. They do have similar features, but Karmen does look older

  2. kind of  their faces look al Little bit the same

  3. they look like brother and sister which is more than you can ask for with fraternal twins. i'm a fraternal twin as well and me and my sister hardly look alike. all of our lives we've had to convince people we're actually twins lol. for opposite gender twins i would think this would be even more common.

    i know other sets of twins that look absolutely nothing alike..that's very normal.  

  4. pretty much. i mean they aren't going to look exactly the same. one's a boy one's a girl. but for the most part, yea.  

  5. If they shared a womb then they are twins. If they are boy and girl they are fraternal twins, not identical.

  6. They do look like brother & sister. But as the second answer said, they can't be identical since one is male & the other is female.

    Karmen's pic isn't a close-up like it's hard to really tell if they have similar facial features.


  7. You know, if they're not identical twins, then they're fraternal twins. I used to go to school with a pair of fraternal twins from elementary-middle school.

  8. I like Andrew's eyes. They're gorgeous.

    They look alike because of their facial features.


  10. they do have the same faces!  seriously...if they are fraternal twins they can only look so much alike.  and why would you 'lie' about whether or not theyre twins i mean come on

    for the record people tell me that i look really similar to my 10 yr old sister (im 17) and we have different fathers.

  11. you cant even see her face in that picture it is too far away.

  12. Dang your MIL is just trying to annoy you isn't she? First it's junk food now she's saying your kids are not twins!

    Yes your children look alike. I bet your MIL would freak out if she saw the twins that go to daycare with my daughter. One is a red headed, pale skin, green eyed little girl. The other is is a dark headed, dark skin, brown eyed little boy. :)

  13. They don't look completly alike but i can see the similarities. I know quiet a few sets of twin and most of them are not identical at all, i mean they don't even look related to each other.

  14. I think so! Don't feel bad someone told me not to put my baby on the web cause I posted a pic of my ultra sound... Like that is really gonna help a kid napper! LOL People are just to paraniod these days!

    34 weeks!  

  15. I actually have a twin brother... we are 22 now. We actually dont look anything alike, except maybe our noses, but even those are different! Our eye color is different... hes got moms eyes, I dont have my moms or my dads eyes. I am alot shorter than he is...and our hair color is different. i have red hair, he has brown hair lol So even though we are twins... we dont look anything alike lol But we do look related .I think they have similar facial features, unlike me and my brother!

  16. Your mother-in-law sounds extremely tedious.

    If you carried them both at the same time, they're TWINS. Doesn't matter what they look like. Boy/girl twins are always fraternal anyway, and fraternal twins will never look identical because, well, they're not identical. They won't be mirror images of each other. They'll have a family resemblance, which yours do.

  17. They sure look related to me.

    LMAO at your mother in law- does she think you made it up that they came out of you in the same pregnancy?

  18. not realli.

  19. They are fraternal twins.  The gene pool is a crazy's a role of the dice and you never know what combination of features will occur.  I have children with different fathers and my oldest child and youngest child look alike - although they had different fathers.  What is MIL's problem?

  20. Faternal?

    Karmen and you look alike.

    Answer mine?

  21. a lil yea

  22. somewhat.

    they look like brother and sister, i think they look like twins!

    i cant see hers but he has gorgeous eyes [[=

  23. Well they are brother and sister so they look similar. But since they are boy and girl they cant look IDENTICAL. A boy/girl twin can only look like brother and sister would. That's because when they were conceived, two seperate eggs were fertilized at the same time. Therefore they were not dizygotic, and so the best is that they can look similar like a brother and sister would. And they do.

  24. Fraternal twins are no more alike that ordinary brother and sister. They just happened at the same time.

    I myself have a fraternal twin sister, and we don't look that much alike.

    Anyway, I think they do look quite alike, just like brother and sister to me.


  25. yeahhh , what does you mil mean there not twins?? silly woman , if they were born at the same time there twins lol =]

  26. u can tell there related

  27. They look a lot alike to me! It's their facial features.

  28. If you were pregnant with them both at the same time, they are twins! They look similar. I mean, since they are fraternal twins (I assume, considering one is a girl, and one a boy.) They are not expected to look alike.

  29. Yeah, they do! A lot, acually. Don't worry.

  30. Same hair colour. same dark eyebrows. dark eyes same skin tone..

    i'd say there twins. ignore her, you know who your kids are so why let anyone else tell you different. there your babies, you've lookd at them everyday since their birth, don't you think you'd have noticed if there so different?

    forget about itand just concerntrate on being a mum :)  

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