
Do my eye is looking kinda weird.?

by  |  earlier

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So I starting in febuary I been haveing bad eye problems, the first time my eyes were sore very red and had green gunk coming out of them, i went to the docter and he gave me ointment in my eye cause he said it was a bacterial infection. Well it went away for two weeks and came back doing the same thing, well I went to a different docter and he said it was my contact solution and allergies and perscribed antibacterial drops. And alls been fine for 3 months until this morning and my left eye looks horrible. Has anybody ever experinced this or know what this is? Heres the pic: please if you know anything..anything will help thank u! (im also light sensitive and feels like i got punched in the eye that kind of soreness)




  1. If it's not a bacterial infection, it could be a reaction to your contact lenses.

    After wearing contacts for 10 years, my wife started having these reactions and was told she'd developed a sensitivity to them.  Switching brands of lenses or solution didn't help.

    The only cure was to stop wearing lenses altogether.

    edit -  if your fiance had it, I'm sure it's just a case of  "pink eye".

    That's an extremely infectious strain of bacteria.

    You  have to make sure to change your pillow cases often and use your antibiotics for the recommended duration.

    Good luck.

  2. it looks like you just smoked a ton of weed!  go get lasik it's the best money i ever spent

  3. I understand not wanting wear glasses all the time and can agree with that one.  I do not like wearing mine either, but sometimes it is necessary.  I suggest that you change contact your contact lens solution.  I have used Bausch and Lomb Renu and Opti-free Replenish and had no problems with either of them.  If you use soft disposable lenses then open a new pack of lenses.

    You should consider giving your eyes break from contact lenses for a few days to allow your eyes some time to heal.  I try to give mine a full day without contacts at least once every two weeks.  If that is not feasible, then at least lessen the amount of hours your wear them -e.g. only wear your contacts when you are away from your home.

    I hope your eyes feel better soon.

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