
Do my eyes deceive me or has Chas complained about a bias and then got an orange badge for his trouble.?

by  |  earlier

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Thomas I wonder what he has to say about it.




  1. sports-

  2. all you tims know the futures bright the futures orange

  3. lol 1-1

  4. hey richard look i got one to yahoo must feel sorry for the celtic fans today mmm wonder if it comes in green hehe

  5. Another dodgy refereeing decision?

  6. whats that saying "butter would'nt melt in his mouth"

    that's nice as marge would,

    it get's brighter for this morning,as it's raining outside

    a wonder what you've done to upset the wee closet,

    but no to worry, the lubricant will wear off and he'll be back to normal

    (mind you when has chas ever been normal)

    all have a good day ahead


    a must say to those diluted chaps from across the way your still going to be sitting with one card less as celtic have the ace,mind you i always did think you were 1 card short of a full deck (no chance of 52) hahahahahaha

  7. yes he has one and the wee **** had the cheek to call me a currant bun is he now a closet gers fan Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    probably his first words will be hello hello and a change of name !!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. One draw and he jumps the d**

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