
Do my eyes look natural or fake?

by  |  earlier

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do my eyes look fake or natural ill tell you the answer later if they are fake or real also rate me 1-10 what knd of girl do i look like (geeky populur intimidating) how old do i u think i am




  1. try smiling a little

  2. fake. but it's kinda hard to tell. you look 15 or 16 and you look like an average girl.

  3. real

  4.   I think your eyes could pass for real, but i don't think you'd be askin if they were:). don't worry, they'll pass!

    I would rate you an 8 or 9, your really pretty! and you look like your either popular or in the middle, deffinetly not geek!

      You look 15 or 16.

  5. I dont really like the way your mouth is shaped. It's weird.

    And they look somewhat natural

  6. Fake, 7 neither popula, not the geek, and you don't intimidate me at all I have high essteem haha.  Ohh adn im guessing 15

  7. They look fake. I wear contacts too so I basically know how they look. You can tell that you have brown eyes by the middle part of the contacts. You seem like the average girl around 15-16.

  8. So this is what occupies your thoughts, if your eyes look real? On your looks I will put you at a 7 or 8 cuz you are not bad looking at all. For your age well it is obvious you are still in school. Your personality is one of a person who worries way to much of what other people think.

  9. fake

  10. natural. nice ****

  11. hmm real :]]

  12. they look real  

  13. Dont care what we think-if u dig em wear em!  

  14. They're fake. Your avatar has brown eyes.

  15. cant tell

  16. fake?

    and 16ishh?

  17. Real? but your avatar has brown eyes? You look average around 14. :]

  18. In the first pic , they look kind of natural , but in the second pic, it looks like you are wearing contacts because you can see the real color of your eye under them lol . If I am wrong , the srry .

    You are really pretty , but I will not rate you (I'm not good at rating).

    You look like your about 15 .  (   =

    x Arianna x

  19. I think they look fake. Contact lenses right?

    You are probably a 7.

    You look like a Southpole girl. I think you're 17.

  20. haha

    those are totalllly fake

  21. wow you're really pretty. 14 or 15.

    can you answer mines please? THANKS :D;...

  22. fake.. but beautiful

  23. your eyes look really natural and pretty


  24. they are fake.

    i have blue colored contacts and thats exactly what my eyes look like.

    they're cute though ! so no worries. i just know because of mine haha.

  25. I think they're fake, 6 1/2, & I think you're 15.

    You look kind of bitchy.

  26. your eyes look fake.i think you're 15.i rate you 5 outa look like a girl

  27. You look like the least intimidating person in the world. Wow.

    I'd say 13 years old, 14 at the very most.

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