
Do my mice have enough exercise?

by  |  earlier

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i have 3 mice in a metal cage but i didn't put an exercise wheel in and was wondering if i should. (i think i would have to get a bigger cage). They do have a house, long papertowel tubes to run through, a wooden ladder and lots of cardboard shelves to climb on. I have those exercise balls for them but they don't really like them (especially one of them who freaks out and pees everytime she is in it) so i don't really use them. Anyway just wondering if it is necessary.

If i do need to get a bigger cage does anyone have brand suggestions (links are helpful). The cage they are in now is about 1and 1/4 foot by 3/4 feet. I do want to get a wire cage for ventilation and climbing purposes but i don't think i can use a hampster cage because the bars are to spaces apart.




  1. Why not get a second cage and link them together. It's not hard. I linked two cages with a washed and cleaned baked bean can. You may need some help so ask someone to do this. This gave them more room to play - to my mind your cage is too small. They can't really get up any speed when running so can't use there little legs to the full. You don't want to spend a small fortune on cages as mice only live 2-3 years.

  2. I agree w/ Racey but i also think you should get an exercise wheel because it will be different than anything else they have and if your mice begin to get fat it will become a must... so its not completely neccesary yet. The combined cage idea is so unique and would deffinently work! but i dont know any brands. Why not whatever it is you have now?

  3. You really need to get them a wheel - the exercise they get on a wheel can't be replaced by exercise balls or a large cage. Have you ever seen a mouse run on a wheel? They'll run faster and for more time than they could any other way.

    Aim for a wheel with a solid surface so no feet or tails get caught. This is a good one, but there are others:

    You also need a larger cage. You want something with multiple levels and several square feet of floor space, like this:

    The bar spacing on hamster cages is fine for mice.

    You can also get a 10 gallon tank with a wire topper, like this:

    The ventilation should be fine.

  4. because they always run when there is a cat

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