
Do my parents have to... Because im leaving to europe.?

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Im leaving to Europe the end of july, and im t the age of 14. So as you know, im underaged. And my dad brought up that they have to sign some papers so i could actually leaving the country. OHH! forgot to add, they arent going, just me and my friends family. So do my parents have to sign any kind of paper(s) for me to leave the country. If so, where can i get it.




  1. Your parents have to sign to get you a passport... but if you already have a passport, you can leave on your own.

    When you're sixteen, you can get a passport on your own, without parental permission.

  2. You don't mention what country you're from so I'll assume the USA. Your best bet would be to ask your local authorities about what you need to leave the country...Where you got your passport from would be a good place to start I guess or the US Immigration service. Also, some European countries like France and Portugal have special laws about minors travelling alone or without their legal guardians. Willeke is right about it being a good idea for your parents to sign a document stating that the parents of your friends are allowed to take decicions for you in certain situations. I recommend talking to a lawyer about that.

  3. There is a standard form you can find on internet, your parents need to sign it, and maybe a lawyer too.

    If something happens to you and you need medical help, your friends parents can not take any decision without it, but with it they can act for your parents.

    And the immigration officer at the border you enter Europe may ask for it too, as without it it looks like you are either traveling alone (not allowed at that age without parental permission) or like your friends parents abduct you, also not good.

    Then again, they do not always ask about it.

    I have searched on 'parental permission' and found so many different forms that I can not give you a link to the best one.

    You might need to add something like your state and 'foreign travel' to it, to get the best result.

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