
Do my parents sound???

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homophobic? They don't really say anything too bad, but here are some examples. My uncle is g*y and he is rather flamboyant. My mom makes fun of him by calling him the wife of the relationship. My dad like to call people who are g*y the Mexican word for it. It it technically correct, but it just sounds offensive. My dad never really seemed to accept his brother. He didn't like to see him dance with other guys and whenever my uncle's sexuality would come up, he would change the subject. He has recently gotten better at this and accepted the fact that his brother is g*y, but it took about 28 years. Another thing is that he always likes to tell me that I will get all the girls when I get older, so I fear that if I tell him I like boys, he might be disappointed. Any thoughts?




  1. nah they dont sound homophobic.

    Its going to take the most accepting of people some time to adjust, your dad mightn't be that super accepting person but i dont think he's homophobic..

    Unless they go around making rude coments about every g*y they see then id say your fine.

  2. Your parents sound like 90% of other parents.

    Parents are always disappointed when their children come out.  From the moment you were born, your parents would have had your whole life mapped out in their minds.  They'd probably hope that you grew up to be a Doctor or Lawyer, that you'd marry your high school sweetheart, have 2 kids of your own, live in a nice house and holiday twice a year in some exotic place.

    It's just like when you wanted Silver Speeder Action Man for Christmas and you'd set you heart on getting it.  But instead you got the Black Night Biker Action Man.  You sulked for weeks but eventually you realised that, actually, everything was ok

    Or maybe that's just me.

    Your parents grew up in a totally different era to you.  A time of less tollerance and understanding.  Give them a chance.

  3. I think the fact that he's now accepted his brother's sexuality means that he is more accepting of g**s in general.  You are his child, and he'll love you no matter what - it might take a little while for your parents to get used to the fact that you're g*y, but that is the case for most parents.

    The longer you put off coming out to them, the harder it will likely be.  There is nothing wrong with being g*y, and if you decide to tell them make sure you tell them in a way that doesn't make it sound like you are telling them something terrible.  I think how you present the news to your parents sort of dictates how they feel they can react.

    Good luck & I wish you a happy life - I think everything will work out fine in your case, and you are lucky that you have a g*y uncle that you can talk to about your issues.

  4. Hey, i kinda know what you are going through.

    My parents were pretty much the same way.

    all you have to remember is that you are there son and no matter what you do or are, they still love you. The thing with your dad is that he has a subconscious need to become a grandfather (Psychology Class finally came in handy lol) and doesn't understand that g*y people can adopt kids.

    So i say tell them when you feel ready, and if you are not ready, then don't. a word of advice, tell your family, parents only if you have siblings, with your partner, if you have one, it makes it easier to have someone there to lean on, and if you don't have a partner, just sit them down and tell them. They have to love you no matter what, parent thing, and most likely they might be upset at first (sorry but true) but they will get over it. Stress the "You love me right [yes] i am g*y, and have been g*y, you loved me before, and you still love me now, even if i am g*y."

    good luck, it will be the most accomplishing feeling you have in your life if all goes right, which it should and will!

    welcome to the rainbow side [lol]
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