
Do my parents think i'm g*y?

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i am a 15 year old boy, and i'm entering my sophomore year in high school. i have never had a girlfriend, but it's because the girl i like has a boyfriend and i might be too shy to ask a girl at this point in my life. i am interested in girls though and i m********e. i'm not into girly things, and play many sports and watch many sports. i do have pictures of models on my computer and cell phone, and my parents have seen them before (for example, my mom needed to use my phone to make a call because hers wasn't charged so she saw a picture but the girl had clothes on). i don't have a problem with homosexuality but i am straight, and i wanted to know if you guys think my parents know that.




  1. probably not  

  2. ya they think your g*y

  3. yes they probably assume it at this point

  4. I think they know!  

  5. I dont think you sound g*y at all, and if you were, what are your parents gona do about it, huh?  You sound like you are just looking for the right girl, and trust me, some day you will find her.  Dont worry about what your parents think, because theres nothing there that makes you sound g*y

  6. No, if your mom has seen the picture on your phone then she probably thinks you like girls so don't worry. Not all guys get girlfriend's before 15 so your fine. I bet your parents think you like girls.  I am 14 and I never had a boyfriend but my parents probably know I like guys.


  7. you sound like a typical stright guy

    soo dont worry i doubt ur parents think ur g*y!1!!

    and if u r so concerned u could always ask them wat they think  if this keeps bothering you....

    oh and one more thing..dont worry about not havin a gf..i dont have a bf and my parents know that im stright.

    you dont have 2 have a gf 2 show that ur stright...u can be stright without a gf

    hope this helps

  8. what gives you reason to think they think that? you dont sound g*y at all to me

  9. they don't think you are g*y

    unless you give them reasons

  10. Dude they know you ain't g*y.

    And besides you are 15yo...nearly grown.  Your parents ain't gonna be runnin your life for long so it don't much matter what they think in regards to g*y or nongay.

  11. I'm sure they know it =)

    It doesn't sound like anyone would think you're g*y. It's fine to not have a girlfriend yet.

    You could always just ask them what they think.

  12. I'm sure they know. I doubt they think you're g*y. After all, you're only 15, still really young, so it's not weird to not have had a girlfriend yet. Don't worry.

  13. u havent said one thing that would make them think you are.

  14. Hey

    First of all i have quite a few g*y friends... and i have a pretty good gaydar... u dont seen like a g*y one.  to me u just seem like u have alot of peer pressure at school and home about dating and im sure it doesnt help that now days if u dont have a girlfriend at the age of 8 you are considered to be g*y. you are only 15 years old! i have a 21 year old brother who has never had a girlfriend...not becuase hes g*y but becuase he never was really a guy to "go" for the girl he wanted, either becuase they were already taken or because he thought they were too high class for him. dont sweat it ok! you have your whole life ahead of u! dont listen to people who tell u that if u havent had a girlfriend or u arnt into certain "manly" things that u are g*y. If you are strait and that is what u believe...then that is what u are...forget what others say! its your life it only matters what u think!

  15. I'm sure you're just overreacting. If she saw those pictures, she won't think that you are g*y. My parents think I'm g*y.

  16. Yes i think they know

  17. Know what lol there is nothing to know.. you're not a homosexual.. so there is nothing to know god you're 15 you don't have to date at the moment trust me.. not because your friends date means you have to as well... in a few years you will understand.

  18. it sounds like you are forcing yourself not to be g*y...if you dont force yourself to do all those activities you might be g*y.

  19. Sweetheart the question is why is this bothering you so much? I'm sure your parents know exactly who you are and love you that way. If you have never told them your g*y then why would they believe that you are. Parents only hope and want the best for there children. So if you have told your parents that you like girls then there is no need to worry yourself anymore.

  20. How the h**l should we know? They're your parents. You didn't even state any reasons why your parents would think that. You should be asking yourself this question. Do your parents think you're g*y? Do they?  

  21. Yes but i understand you. I myself experienced that thing. I never have my girlfriend. But just dont never mind.

  22. yeah i bet they think your straight you sound like the average teen dude

  23. WOW, your story is like mine. only i am a girl. and my parents think i am a L*****n.  just because #1 they dont allow me to have one and #2 guys at my school are only interested in the s***s, or they are LDS

    and my friends playing around says stuff like "lol. i luv u. jk"etc

    and so my mom had enough balls to ask me if i was a L*****n. it just made me laugh.

    but no i am straight, but i hang out with people who think of perverse funny things all the time.  just laugh and play along with it. you aren't g*y until proven. lol

  24. they never think you are a g*y

    it's so normal

    trust me

    i'm just like you

    i'm 16


  25. That makes you look kinda creepy. No girlfriend but you have a bunch of pics of girls and stuff. Dont be scared to ask a girl out because if you have poor social skills in high school then they will be bad in college

  26. ummm...i don't know if they think you're straight

    but if i was your parent i wouldn't think you were g*y

  27. You sound like me when I was 15. I also remember being really confused about girls, masturbating, and even my friends. I am 36 and everything worked itself out. so just relax and with the girl just walk up and talk to her I know it sound CRAZY but if you say hi look in her eyes then just listen to what she says that will work itself out too.

  28. i think your being a bit silly i dont think that your mum and dad think your g*y..there is nothing wrong with not having a g/f at 15

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