
Do my son and my best friend's son look like twins?

by Guest34447  |  earlier

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My best friend and I were absolutely shocked the other day when she brought her son over to play with my son. Her son is a year older than mine. However, they share the same birthday and weighed the same at birth. My son was a week early and weighed 9 1/2 pounds and was almost 23 inches long, and same goes for her son except he was full term. We were just wondering to the outside world do they look alot alike? They have the same eye color and hair color. We just wanted another opinion! Here is the pic! My son is two, he is on the right, her son is 3 on the left.

Here's the pic





  2. I don't think they look anything alike.

  3. They're so cute! They look like brothers!

  4. LOL...YES they do...I'm not sure how anyone could say they don't at LEAST look like Brothers...but reading the different answers here it is amazing  how different people can see the SAME picture and see it so differently...They are both you and your girlfriend look alike? Do the kids dads look anything alike or is this just coincidence? That is too cute!!! And don't pay ANY attention to snide remarks about your husband being both of their fathers...I Swear...Some People!

  5. They do look like twins.

  6. they look related

  7. They look like they could be twins... but not identical twins.

  8. They do not look like twins but they look alike!!  They could be brothers!

  9. HHmmmm they do look alot alike. maybe even like brothers some would say

  10. they do kinda look like twins.. there cuties :)

  11. not twins, but distant brothers

  12. Very similar!  I wonder if they will still look alike as they grow up?

  13. awww, tooooo cute. looks like they could be brothers..

  14. They do look alot alike, you have every right to be a proud mama.

  15. they do favor each other but they certainly dont look like twins, but they do look enough alike to be related. it might be due to the fact that they're hair is the same color and cut the same

    not to sound like a jerk or anything but is it at all of a possibility that your son's daddy, fathered your friends baby also?

  16. I hope it isn't the same father.  Just how close are you two?


  18. they look like twins!! they will grow out of it tho. i met my best friend ever about 4 years ago, and we looked so much alike it isnt even funny. im older by 2 years so we gradully began to look different.

  19. I can't get the picture! Would love to see it though.

  20. No- the haircut is the same, but to me, that is it... both cute boys, but don't look related- let alone like twins.

  21. No, they don't look like twins.  The only thing that makes them look similar is their build and their hair.  Other than that, their facial features are obviously completely different.

  22. they look absolutely alike

  23. Sounds like you wanna have a psycho fight with your old man.

  24. that is crazy!!!! i mean i cant see them from the front but from the side thier hair is the same cut, and their ears and everything look the same! wow. totally weird!!

  25. that is really weird!

    they look exactly alike.

    and the weirder thing is

    that is kinda what i looked like at 2!


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